I dont know how to add a picture to a crate or key. I hope someone can give me the steps to add the picture or help me through steam
Add Photos to crates or keys for pointshop 2
Last read
What you want to do is create a new addon, put all your custom images into it and publish it to workshop. Afterwards you must add it as download by putting resource.AddWorkshop(workshopId) in a shared file. The workshopId is the number that you can see when you look at url of the workshop item on steam.
To create the addon:
- Make a new folder in garrysmod/addons (name doesn't matter but should be all lowercase, e.g. ps2custommaterials)
- Create a folder inside it: addons/ps2custommaterials/materials/pointshop2
- Put all of your custom materials in there (must be png or vmt)
To publish to workshop:
To add as downlad:
- Create a new file in lua/autorun (name does not matter).
- Go to your steam profile -> workshop items then click at the addon. Copy the page url, the numbers are your workshop id.
- In the fie add a line: resource.AddWorkshop(numbers here)
Thanks! I hope you can help me in the other post i published, i cant strt my server with those problems
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