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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.
In short
Introducing Ban Evasion, prevent people from alting on your server today!
Introducing Ban Evasion: An advanced system designed to protect your server from ban evaders. With our 11+ advanced methods, rest assured knowing ban evaders will be dealt with.
Our system uses 13+ in depth methods to ensure your server is free from ban evaders!
We currently support the following admin system.
- sAdmin
- Serverguard
- VyHub
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5.00 average based on 3 reviews
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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.
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- Reqwest ( For Discord Integration )
- MySQLoo ( For MySQL Integration )