Notice: This article was originally written for Garry's Mod, and is yet to be updated for a multi store structure. Please keep that in mind if you are reading it as a potential creator for our Rust marketplace.

When submitting a product, there are a few things you must consider from a buyer's perspective:

  • Is the product easy to install and configure?
  • Can my players interact with the product easily?
  • As an administrator, can I control the product and its mechanics?
  • Is the product optimized and crash-free?

As a developer, it can be easy to ignore these issues if you're in a rush and are willing to sell poor quality products. This, however is bad practice. By cutting corners, you are exposing your product to bugs, crashes and more generally for you, support tickets and refund requests. This will also greatly hurt your reputation as a developer.

You have absolutely nothing to gain from this website if you try submitting rushed products in an attempt to make a quick buck; and you have everything to gain from selling a polished, good quality product:

  • Less support tickets about bugs or crashes, which means you'll spend less time trying to solve problems in your product because you'll have solved them long before the submission.
  • A good reputation, which will make buyers more trustworthy towards you; they will be more willing to purchase other products from you if you have a decent reputation.
  • A good rating for your product, which WILL increase your sales.

Now that you have this in mind, what can be done to answer the four questions above? Here's a list of good practices which can help increase your product's quality:

Do note that this article does NOT offer actual code for you to use; all it offers is pointers to help make your product better. It is assumed that you are already proficient in scripting for Garry's Mod or Rust. If you are not, please refrain from submitting products because there's a very high chance they'll be denied.

Product installation and configuration

  • If your product requires an external product or module, make sure to let people know clearly (ideally in a README or in the product's description) with a link to it so that they don't lose time trying to look for it.
  • Make an easy to access configuration file however small your product is; you shouldn't jumble code and configuration in the same file.
  • Your configuration file should be readable and clearly separated. Do not cluster your options all together; separate them into categories with comments. Each option should have a comment describing what it does and what value it can take.
  • If your product requires initial configuration (such as setting up NPC positions), be sure to make it as easy as possible for your buyers to perform the initial configuration; a menu would be ideal, but a console command can also work. Point is, as a buyer modifying a file until you're satisfied can be time-consuming so a menu or command to streamline the configuration can make the installation process much quicker.

Product interaction and accessibility

  • No one likes chat commands. When possible, try to make your product's interaction be through a menu and not through the chat.
  • Localize your product. Think about the people who are not fluent in English. Adding translations in your product ensures that those interacting with your product can easily understand it in their native language as you are not excluding non-English buyers from using your product efficiently.
  • When possible, check if your product is compatible for multiple gamemodes; Scoreboards, for example, shouldn't be limited to DarkRP. By making sure your scoreboard works on Trouble in Terrorist Town, Sandbox or any gamemode in general, you are increasing your product's reach.
  • Do not assume the average player will know how to interact with your product straight away; add labels, tooltips, basically indicators which help the player use your product.
  • Not everyone has a big monitor. Make sure your product's interface scales properly for the smaller and bigger monitors.

Product control

  • Make sure administrators can intervene in the event your product fails to perform an action properly or when a player uses your product for an unintended purpose; add a command to undo your product's actions or even lock your product from working for some time.
  • It is common for buyers to lock a product's features to specific usergroups (such as donators). Make sure to add the option in your product to restrict access to its features to specific usergroups and players.

Product optimization and safety

  • Before submitting your product, make sure to check if it's exploitable. A product which interacts with money could easily be used to break a server's economy. A product which relies on client data could be fooled by false data sent by a ill-willed player.
  • Make sure your product is well optimized; not everyone has a powerful computer/server and nobody likes playing when their framerate dives under 10 per second.
  • Try thinking from a random player's perspective - spam the buttons and commands your product offers, time its actions with specific events (before a server restart, when a player disconnects) and make sure your product is prepared for such situations.

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