If you are currently working on a HUD that you want to submit for sale, then you have come to the right article. We will try to explain what our standards are for HUDs on our site.

Our standards for HUDs are high in terms of what we expect and the amount of features we expect you to develop and include. Please do not compare your HUD with addons submitted years ago. Our standards have changed since then.


We expect that the HUD covers a large range of UI elements of the gamemode. In the example below, this covers mostly DarkRP elements.

That includes, but is not limited to:

  • The heads up display.
  • Overhead
  • Door options (f2 - buy, sell, add owner, etc)
  • Gestures menus
  • Doors 3d2d (Title, owner, buddies, etc)
  • Notifications
  • Voting
  • Wanted/warrant
  • Agenda
  • Vehicle HUD
  • Hunger mod support
  • Ammo/weapon

That's just mentioning the basics in order to be taken into serious consideration. If your HUD does not include the above as a minimum, it will be denied for not meeting our standards/being a workshop quality addon.

To take it to the top level, you should also add:

  • VCMod support
  • Photon support
  • Language support
  • In-game config
  • Crash screen
  • Animations to your HUD
  • Multiple gamemode support (TTT, Deathrun, Prop Hunt)

If you are developing a HUD for another gamemode than DarkRP, then it is unlikely that it will be approved. Simple because other gamemodes does not have many UI elements to cover, and thus making a HUD for said gamemodes are considered too simple. The best idea is to make your HUD support multiple popular gamemode, such as TTT & DarkRP.


Making your HUD visually appealing is of course different from person to person. If we say something is not visually appealing, it generally means that your color combination hurts the eye or your margins and padding are off. Additionally if you're just using rounded boxes and everything is very basic, it might also be denied for not being visually appealing if we can see you haven't put enough effort into it.


If you need ideas for features, you should search for HUDs and sort by "Newest", or just click here. Some feature-rich examples are linked below.

Additionally, your presentation needs to meet our requirements and your code has to follow our standards.

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