Plagiarism and unoriginal work
Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. When submitting an addon for review, we take plagiarism very seriously.
Using code created by someone else
If you are using code from another author, you should:
- Include credit in the form of comments around the used code in your addon indicating that the code was written by the other author.
- Have permission from the other author for you to use their code in a product that will be monetized.
- This is important as some authors allow usage of their code for non-commercial purposes, but do not allow it for commercial purposes.
- Include credit to the author on your store page, unless you have permission from them to not include credit.
Using images or assets
Do not use work that you do not have permission to use. Review licenses that come with online resources before you integrate them into your script. This includes sound files, models, images, code, etc.
If the resources you are using requires acknowledgement to the developer/creator, then provide it in your script description.
Review any licenses that come with resources; the license file should state what you are allowed / not allowed to do with the resources. You can view for a detailed outline of the most popular licenses.
violatins of this policy
If you are caught violating the copyright/plagiarism policy:
- You could be banned. Depending on the severity of the offense, you could be site banned or have your submission privileges revoked.
- If the addon was approved by curators before it was found that you were using content without permission. than in addition to the above, your addon could be disabled.
- Curators and Moderators have discretion, but generally, knowingly using unlicensed code or content will result in some form of ban.
- Including copyrighted content in your addon without permission probably won't result in a ban unless you are repeatedly doing it, but it will result in your addon being denied or taken down (if already approved) until you can replace the copyrighted content or get permission to use it.
- Including fragments of code you didn't write, if determined to be "innocent", will likely not result in a ban, but it will result in your addon being denied or taken down (if already approved) until you can replace the code or get permission to use it.
- Uploading an entire product you found online in an attempt to sell a product you didn't make, will always result in a ban.
- Making small modifications (changing variable names, changing text, translating, etc) to the addon does not constitute a new addon being created, and will be treated as a complete plagiarism.