When a customer purchases a product via Pivity, the country from which they are making the purchase may charge VAT. Pivity (Everyday) is registered and able to handle VAT payments for the following countries.

There are a bunch of countries we currently do not charge VAT for, but this is due to the lack of capacity and we will hopefully be able to support them in the future.

Jurisdiction Tax rate B2B/B2C

Non EU countries

Norway 25% B2C

EU countries (VAT MOSS)

Austria 20% B2C

Belgium 21% B2C

Bulgaria 20% B2C

Cyprus 19% B2C

Czech Republic 21% B2C

Germany 19% B2C

Denmark 25% B2C

Estonia 20% B2C

Spain 21% B2C

Finland 24% B2C

France 20% B2C

United Kingdom 20% B2C

Greece 24% B2C

Croatia 25% B2C

Hungary 27% B2C

Ireland 23% B2C

Italy 22% B2C

Lithuania 21% B2C

Luxembourg 17% B2C

Latvia 21% B2C

Malta 18% B2C

Netherlands 21% B2C

Poland 23% B2C

Portugal 23% B2C

Romania 19% B2C

Sweden 25% B2C

Slovenia 22% B2C

Slovakia 20% B2C

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