Would like to find someone to make me a basewars gamemode from scratch, we can discuss wether the price is enough or not.
Printing System: I would like for the printers/generators to have unique props as well as using bigger props for more expensive printers/generators.
I would also like to have the feature of "global printers" basically these printers are extremely expensive, the best of the best
but, every player can see their location anywhere, and the owner can be successfully scanned any distance from his base
I would also like to incorporate money into a prop form, that way players have to build "money slides" to bank vaults which will hold their lump sum of printed money
Smart Raid system: will not allow other players to damage props/entitles unless they have successfully initiated raid
Scanning: I would like it too list how many printers, props, generators and enities within the scan log, as well as a command for a player to actually initate a raid
Mining: I would like for there to be a mining system within to mine for gems used to purchase permanent weapons, modifactions and vehicals,
Quests: I would like for there to be a basic questing system for players to have somthing todo other then just raid and print, i dont want nothing too advance, stuff like spawn an entity at a random location in the world and bring it back for a money or pointshop point reward.
Permanent Items: would like for the option for players to purchase permanent weapons and modifications as well vehicles for their weapons using gems and money
'Q' Menu: Id perfer the buy menu was in the 'Q' menu like in the old fashion basewar game modes, if possible id like for it to be edited to give it a more modern look
Admin stick: I like the fact of having an admin stick to have access to quick features like caging an unruly person without having to enter a command.
Gas System: Would like to make users have to purchase a jerry can in the 'Q' menu in order to drive their car