I would like to offer $60 for a base level of a few sweps from bioshock. The list would be: Electro-Bolt, Incinerate, Telekinesis, Aerodash, Houdini, Sonic Boom, Insect Swarm, and Winter Blast
the effects should be: electro-bolt should shock people and possibly water. Incinerate should lights things on fire. Telekinesis should allows player to pick up objects and throw with lmb and drop with rmb. Aerodash would rush the player forward. Insect swarm that creates a swarm of wasps that hurts players and npcs. The houdini plasmid that allows the player to go invisible for a period of time until eve runs out. Sonic boom which can push players as well as props. Winter blast that freezes players and npcs in place with an ice effect.
I wouldn't mind if each swep used a hand model but I would like different effects for each plasmid as well as different poses for the hand if effects are tough to think of.
Other requests, price dependent on how hard they are to make.
An ammo like counter called EVE that the plasmids will take from -additional if more powerful plasmids take more from the ammo pool
An entity using the model of EVE Hypo to provide EVE and entities using the ADAM Hypo for the different plasmids sweps
If possible, a spider splicer swep that allows you to climb walls. Toggled if posible (no need to drain eve if tough to do)
Gatherer's Garden vending machine entities hopefully using bioshock or custom models to sell plasmids from to players.
Big daddy drill swep
::Truthfully I'm not worried about the timeframe since i don't know how long these sweps will take to make as well as additionals plus I'm in no rush so any progress is good progress.
Add me on steam at Elliot740 and discord at Elliot740 #6843, I'm usually always about on steam don't be shy to hmu.