I am looking for a dedicated Developer to help me create a Rust Gamemode. I have my own network of server with 400+ players and for it to really grow it needs some uniqueness. And that would be this, below is the list of things i would like to be made or seen on the rust gamemode. Some are already on the workshop already like the models, hud etc. just all needs to come together. And yes i am referring to the rust game made by Facepunch.
- Rust's spawn in system, you spawn laying down and click a button to wake up, to see an example watch a rust video.
- Rust's Crafting System
- Rust's Looting System, find loot around the map, crates, airdrops.
- Rust's Death System, be able to loot bodies of other players
- Rust's Building System, does not need to be exact, just a building system of different materials, to withstand higher end explosives more on that later.
- Rust's Raiding System, custom made explosives that damage less to higher end buildings like metal and stone.
- Rust's Weapons if possible, again already on the workshop
- Rust's Bed System, place beds and you can spawn at the spawn point.
- Rust's Down System, after reaching 0 HP, besides dying you lay down and wait for someone to revive you, after 15 seconds you die.
- MYSQL Saving system to save all data when people log off including housing
- Storage system, like the one in rust
- Contact me to find out more of what its most needed. Basically want a rust gamemode, which is similar to DAYZ but has a building system and a different setup view.
My steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057801491
Discord: Tyrone#6943
PS: If your good enough and i want you on board, i might recruit you one our network, which has a growing community, with 2 active gamemodes ( Stranded, Underdone RPG).
I ask for the following from whoever will be applying for this job.
- Knowledge of Lua
- Knowledge of The Rust Game
- Has a known & present a Portofolio of Previous Work