Real estate agency
Addons - Max budget: 40 €.
- The properties will have taxes:
- 12'000 € = 12%. (300 € / 1h)
- 35'000 € = 16%. (1100 € / 1h)
- 85'000 € = 20% (900 € / 45min.)
- 150'000 € = 22% (2'400 € / 1h)
- € 600,000 = 27%. (5000 € / 35min.)
- Disabling props from the props menu. Obligation to go through the machine Building System.
- Interaction on the NPC, opens the map with all the properties and their descriptions by default. Selected the bass has a properties icon.
- Categories: Private Properties; Government Properties (Reserve to Government Members); Contractors' Properties (For Contractors Only).
- When buying private property, several options:
Buy the empty house (- €): He can subsequently buy the furniture of his choice by going to a room where a Building System will be located: https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/5501/
At the interaction of the machine, the same panel opens proposing props arranged in categories. There is a tax on each item purchased:
-500 € = 7%.
- 500 € = 9%.
- € 6,000 = 11%.
- 15'000 € = 17%.
(These taxes will go to the Governor's bank).
Buy the Furnished House (+ €): Upon purchase, the furniture appears in the property of the player. They will be deleted if the game dies, or according to the time he will rent the house.
More players will stay in a property (s) + their property will gain value:
- 35'000 € = (+ 700 € / 2h more value).
- 85'000 € = (+ 3'000 € / 2h).
- 150'000 € = (+ 12'000 € / 2h).
- 600'000 € = (+ 32'000 € / 3h).
On resale the player can either:
Resell the property with the base price or resell it with its value. It can also change the description of the house.
Real estate agent:
In his computer he owns (if he is Real Estate Agent) the software: "Sold Your House! ". The banker can change the name of the company if he is alone. Otherwise a vote will be made with the other real estate agents.
In his software is arranged all private properties arranged in ascending order of prices.
There are also several categories that rank the properties according to whether they are Houses, Apartments, Companies, etc.
A mini-map is available that displays all properties with their current values and prices and whether they are owned or not.
If there are 2 real estate agents then the NPC will be removed.
To acquire a property the real estate agent must:
Go to a category: "Rent a property". Enter all the information of the player.
Once done, it will click on "Print Currency".
The player has the interaction will display the panel with the location of the house, its current price, its value, taxes, player information, the name and surname of the real estate agent being the owner of the currency. And the number of the house. The player will have to validate in order to acquire the property, once made the player receives keys:
"Keys [house number]".
The payment is automatically debited from the bank account. If there are no real estate agents then the player must interact with the NPC, displaying properties with their values, prices, etc. Upon purchase, a cinematic launches on the property purchased. A menu proposes to appear in his house or nothing.
At the first connection of the player, he must interact with an NPC that will automatically give him a property for 3 days. After this time, there will be a tax.
When buying a property, an NPC appears at a position, Displays all purchased vehicles. If a player kills the NPC (200HP) and disappearance + Appearance of a random vehicle of the player. The NPC reappears after 12 min. The Premium (400HP NPC) + (Reappearance: 4 min.)