hi so we have a Clone wars server and have a training system we want to put in place. We understand people have already played and want to give them the opportunity to prove that without needing staff available. we just want them to click the npc and the npc will say something like "Are you new to CWRP" with buttons saying yes or no if yes they will be asked a couple questions about CWRP to prove they know what they are talking about. if they say so we want a msg on our discord via webhook just saying that someone needs to be trained. this system just seperates the people who know cwrp and the people who dont and allow users to play the server if they have the knowlege.
with the ranks system we want people to choose their battalion and stay with it with progression. we have a spreadsheet made. we just want players to have the options between the differnt groups and pick one and be able to be promoted and demoted. when they relog they will stay as what they where the last time they logged on. with promotion / demotion a simple darkrp notification should be fine but only people in that group/battalion can see it so people screeens arnt flooded with notifications. if you have any suggestions please feel free. maybe even a intergration where people can leave the battalion and restart as something else
please contact my discord first
discord = dev_a.d.i