SAM | Admin Mod #1

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SAM - Commands
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In short

Read the FAQ & Knowledge page before buying. SAM is an admin mod that ain't trying to be fancy or anything other than being simple and lightweight, it only has things that you really need, nothing else.

Click the Features tab! Read the FAQ & Knowledge page before buying. CLICK ON PHYSGUN TO HEAR AN OFFER!

🍉 Works in any gamemode!

🍉 Lightweight and Optimized to keep your server smooth not like your old admin mod!

🍉 Time tracking for players which works with addons that require UTime! (don’t keep UTime in your addons folder though)

🍉 Right click to freeze players!

  • Players can't take damage when they are picked/frozen.
  • No fall damage after being dropped by physgun.
  • Resets velocity which will fix glitches.

🍉 Search bar for everything in the menu to make everything easy!

🍉 Tool restriction and Limits (props, vehicles, etc...) for ranks! (Entities limits was removed and will be added later)

🍉 Admin mod importer! (check the FAQ)

  • ULX
  • serverguard
  • xAdmin 1

🍉 Simple report (popup) system!

🍉 Voting system! (vote, endvote, votekick, voteban, votemute)

🍉 Adverts with timing!

🍉 Some nice commands for DarkRP!

🍉 MySQL support. (requires mysqloo)

🍉 A lot of useful and nice commands! (check them out here)

🍉 Fastest hook library included which will improve your server performance!

🍉 CAMI support which should make it work with a lot of addons!



Add this to your workshop collection:

  1. Download this first.
  2. Remove whatever admin mod you had and it's extensions (like UTime).
  3. Extract sam-VERSION & sui folders to garrysmod/addons folder.
  4. (Optional) Go to garrysmod/addons/sam-VERSION/lua and configure sam_language.lua or sam_sql_config.lua
  5. Start your server, join it and get back to your server console, now type sam setrank YOUR_NAME superadmin
  6. Now you are done, you can open the menu by typing !menu in chat or by opening the console and typing sam menu

Enjoy it!

If you don’t like something about SAM then don’t buy and complain about it, read the FAQ/Features before buying or you can message me on gmodstore if you are not sure that you will find a feature you “expect” to be there.

How do I import data from ULX/SERVERGUARD/XADMIN 1?
  1. Extract "sam" to your addons folder.
  2. Remove your old admin mod with all it's extentions from your server.
  3. (Optional) Setup MySQL in sam/lua/sam_sql_config.lua. (If you were using serverguard/xadmin 1 with MySQL then SAM needs to have the same data as them.)
  4. Start your server.
  5. Run "sam_import (ulx/serverguard/xadmin)" in your server's console and wait until it's done.

ULX imports:

  • Bans
  • Ranks
  • Users (+ their play times if you have utime installed)

Serverguard imports:

  • Bans
  • Ranks + their tools' permissions
  • Users + their ranks' expiry date

xAdmin imports:

  • Bans
  • Ranks
  • Users with their play time


Because I wanna keep it simple. I would be happy to add features that makes sense for me, related to this addon and something I would enjoy working on! (Don't expect me to add features tho)

What are the tags for targeting players?
^ to target yourself
* to target everyone
<player_(name/steamid/steamid64)> to target a player(s)
@ to target the player in front of you

How do I ban a player for 2 years, 4 months, ..etc?
!ban srlion "1y 1mo 1w 1d 1h 1m" RDM
!ban srlion "1y1mo1w1d1h1m" RDM2 | no need for spaces!
!ban srlion "1mo1m1w1d1h1y" RDM | can be in random order!

1y -> 1 year
1mo -> 1 month
1w -> 1 week
1d -> 1 day
1h -> 1 hour
1m -> 1 minute

How do I set the ban length for a rank?
  1. Open SAM menu by "!menu" in chat or "sam menu" in console.
  2. Click "Ranks" tab.
  3. Select the rank you want to set the length for then change the third line.

How do I make a new command?

This is really easy, create a file in lua/sam/modules/your_file_name.luathen follow this.

I wanna add support for this?

Sure, check the docs here or you can directly message me and I will be happy to help you :)

Can I use this with ulx or serverguard or any other admin mod?

Nope, you can NOT. It works fine with FAdmin and may work with some admin mods but thats unlikely.

Is this a ulx theme?

No, it's NOT. I made it look like ulx because I love it.

Can I edit superadmin rank?

No. (Don’t buy if you don’t like that.)

I’m using DarkRP and HasPermission function is in bottlenecks functions when using FProfiler?

DarkRP’s logging system is really really bad, it loops through all players and checks if they have permission to see logs each time DarkRP logs something, so HasPermission is ofc gonna be showing in bottlenecks functions. (DarkRP does that even if you have disabled logging.)

Can you see how many reports a staff member has claimed?

It’s just a simple popup system, so you can’t.

Hello? I have an issue/bug?

Make a support ticket, I would be happy to help you.

Do you implement secondary ranks?


It's not because I'm lazy or anything like that. The issue is with these two functions:


If an addon uses this:

ply:GetUserGroup() == "mod"

It's not going to work properly because we have two ranks, but the addon doesn't recognize that. This means you're going to find a bug that needs fixing, and it could be a while before you even realize it's there. Plus, if the addon gets an update, it might undo any fix you've made. And you gotta make sure every addon you use works with the two ranks. That's why I'm suggesting we use "vip_mod" instead. It'll take some time to set up, but it's way better than having a server that's unstable and full of bugs.

I even just suggest giving your admins/mods full VIP perks and not worrying about them using VIP perks. They're working for free, after all.

Are you tired of slow, laggy, and vulnerable servers? Do you want to enjoy the best performance, security, and features in the market? Then you need, the #1 game server hosting provider for Gmod! offers you the fastest and most reliable servers, the most advanced DDoS protection, the most feature-rich game panel, and the most exclusive Physgun optimizations.

Plus, has partnered with me, to bring you hundreds of enhancements for your gaming experience.

And to celebrate this amazing collaboration, is giving you 33% off for any plan, for existing and new customers alike. Just use the code SAM at checkout and enjoy the best game server hosting ever.


I have turned down other hosting services because they were not reliable, just normal copy-paste hosting services with different names (It was going to hurt my sales too just to collaborate with any other hosting service). Anthony is amazing with Physgun, he constantly updates and fixes issues, and makes the servers run faster. Performance is important to me, as Lua is not very fast, especially with many players. We will be working hard to give you the best performance possible.

To provide SAM and SCB to be used for free on physgun, I take comission if you use my referral link or coupon codes.

There will be 2 time use coupon code every month that gives you 25% for 4 billing cycles, if used quarterly you get 25% for 1 year for new and existing customers!

SAM -> 33% code that will always be up!

17DK06DRXZ -> is the special code 😎 (If this code got used a lot I can make a deal to make it 30% off!)

Product reviews

4.79 average based on 85 reviews

Всё было отлично, но после обновления поломалось
1ч назад гмод выпустил обновление, после которого появилась вот такая ошибка: addons/[addon]_sui/lua/sui/cl_base.lua:486: attempt to index upvalue 'current_theme_table' (a nil value)
By Delik -
(version 157)
Great Admin Menu!
It has all the essential commands for a basic gamemode but for some gamemodes you might need extra custom commands otherwise its great! Really use to work with and modify overall and the UI looks great.
By Anton -
(version 156)
Good for darkrp, but not for other gamemodes
Typical “darkrp admin mod”. You are paying for design rather than functionality. It can be considered as a ULX with 2024 styling, but is it worth 14$?
By Astralcircle -
(version 153)
Lord Of The Strings!
Easy to use, but its limited.
As someone that has used ULX for a while before purchasing SAM, I have noticed it is lacking a couple things. Firstly, I have yet to find a way to bind colors with roles (Ex: Owner, Red. Admin, Blue, etc) and have the chat box print those same colors too. Another would be the ability to spawn bots. NPC models that had the same entity-class as a player.
By Lord Of The Strings! -
(version 153)
Very Impressive
I am very pleased with this add on all though I wish it had more documentation.
By YoWaitAMinute -
(version 153)
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by Srlion

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