👮 Advanced Police Mod | Make your police efficient

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Police have never been as good as possible on any DarkRP server! Here is the first complete and advanced police tablet system that allows all the policemen to be fast and efficient!

The script includes a police radio for quick and easy communication with your dispatch group.

Police officers must be equipped with a GPS to appear on the map in the tablet. With this, their colleagues know where they are in case of a problem, and it is easy for police chiefs to assign them a nearby mission. Police officers must be equipped with a GPS to appear on the map in the tablet. With this, their colleagues know where they are in case of a problem, and it is easy for police chiefs to assign them a nearby mission.

When someone is put in jail, he can be released if someone pays his bail for him. The police can prevent bail via the tablet.

If a citizen wants to file a complaint, they can go to an NPC and enter a description of their complaint that will be accessible by all police officers on their tablet.

All citizens can make a request for help quickly via their context menu, a command in the chat, or their phone (compatible with mcPhone).

You can use SQLite, but also an external database thanks to the mysqloo support!

A perfect application to manage all officers easily. Police chiefs can create dispatch groups for police officers. All police officers with a GPS tracker turned on will appear on the map. Requests for assistance received will also appear on the map, police chiefs can assign a dispatch group to the mission. Finally, the Chief of Police will be able to fire ineffective officers.

This application makes it possible to obtain a citizen's criminal record, with the history of his arrests, search warrants, search notices, fines received and complaints filed. Perfect to find out if he is a criminal known to the services!

In this application, you can manage citizens in a simple and fast way. Create a wanted notice or request a warrant in one click. You can also send a fine, cancel a wanted notice or a search warrant.

When someone is arrested, they can be released on bail. With the application, you can prevent the release on bail, or release the prisoner.+

Enter a license plate number to find out who owns the vehicle and if he is currently wanted.

Allows any policeman to talk to all the police in a private chat room. It is an effective way to communicate sensitive information between police officers.

The complaints that players have filed will all be recorded and available in this application. Access to the opened and the closed complaints.

The application contains all the information that can be useful to a new police officer. This information is filled in the configuration file so that it can be perfectly adapted to your server.

  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. Configure this addon at advanced_police_mod/lua/police_mod/sh_config.lua
  3. Restart your server



Product reviews

5.00 average based on 8 reviews

Fox Rim
Question regarding MARS and your System (COMPATIBILIZE)
Good morning! I would like to know if MRS was compatible with your ADD-ONS?
By Fox Rim -
(version 1.0.8)
•° Khroniria °•
Best Police / Gendarmerie
Simplement l'addons a avoir si vous voulez faire une gendarmerie/Police MEGA RP
By •° Khroniria °• -
(version 1.0.8)
Amazing and fixed a great problem in the past
The addon is great and adds a lot of new things for your police. A lot of people use downtown_tits_v2 as their darkrp map and the dispatch map was black because of the event spot on top of the map. The author fixed it and its basically a great addon now.
By CJ -
(version 1.0.5)
Révolutionne votre serveur !
Cet addon a changé notre façon de jouer RôlePlay. Je recommande à 100%
By Armanak -
(version 1.0.5)
Very good
Very good the best advanced police mode rly good | Very good the best advanced police mode rly good
By Duldej413 -
(version 1.0.2)
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Venatuss & Slawer
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