xWarn | Warning Module

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In short

xWarn is a modern warnings module designed to include all necessary functionality of any warnings system, whilst ensuring a simple, sleek experience for everyone involved, from staff members to users!


Easily warn users for rulebreaking on your server

Manage / warn users and their punishments from a simple menu

Easy setup and configuration

Simple, configurable chat commands

!warn <Player> <Reason> - Warns a player for the specified reason

!warns - Opens the xWarn menu

Automated punishments

Ingame addition and configuration of new and existing automated punishments

Based on user's current active warnings (configurable timings to be considered "active")

xAdmin Support

ULX Support

FAdmin Support

Rapsheet Support

Simple user interface

Clear chat relay and configurable popup notifications

User connections with active warnings

Staff members warning users

Discord relay for logging

MySQL / SQLite support

Modular support for commands and additions

Easy to use API for developers and server owners

Hooks for external integration on warnings being added / removed

Simple addition of new / custom admin mods

xWarn uses Three's Derma Library, a Derma Library created by Threebow (https://github.com/Threebow/tdlib) and Three's Grid (https://github.com/Threebow/better-derma-grid/blob/master/threegrid.lua)

Special thanks to:

MiguelBarreto - Default UI background

Icons made by SmashIcons from www.flaticon.com (https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smashicons)

Feel free to make any changes and modifications as you wish (even with modifications, this does not make you free to redistribute the addon), however if you break it, then it may be difficult to provide support.

The only extra content required for xWarn to work once you have installed by simply dragging the xwarn folder into your addons directory is the workshop content with all the materials required, which can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1840756176

For any issues with installation, configuration or general questions, please feel free to open a support ticket.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 3 reviews

Love it
Love xWarn and xAdmin, suggested adding warns to the rap sheet for better integration and he added it the next day! Awesome work.
By RC-58 -
(version 1.1.6)
Love it, would like to see more integration.
Love xWarn and xAdmin, suggested adding warns to the rap sheet for better integration and he added it the next day! Awesome work.
By ModoSN -
(version 1.1.0)
The best warning system out there!
I bought xAdmin and i love it to bits. I'm so excited to use this addon!
By Buni -
(version 1.0.0)
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