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##LD Scoreboard -It is a modern but clean and simple scoreboard that has many features attached to it.
##Features - Fully Customizable
- Enable/Disable the experience bar.
- Enable/Disable job coloring entire row - rank text - job text.
- Enable/Disable rank coloring.
- Enable/Disable whether you want the motd/website to open through steam or on the scoreboard
- You can change pretty much every color that you see
- Ability to add new buttons that open links on the scoreboard
- Ability to add new server commands
- Ability to add new player commands
- Edit the server name.
- Add/Remove ULX commands, easy to change to a different admin tool ex:(change "ulx" with "_FAdmin").
- Add custom server settings.
- Add new groups set the name/color.
- Add more columns to the scoreboard.
- Add more quick commands
- Change the default map zoom
- It can support any leveling system
- Multiple gamemodes support: DarkRP, SandBox, Deathrun, Murder, Prophunt haven't tried other gamemodes
Adding new player commands is as simple as this, everything that can be added is pretty much based on this sort of way.
{ Name = "Kick", Icon = Material("ld_materials/Commands/kick.png"), Ranks = "admin,superadmin,owner", GameMode = "sandbox,darkrp,terrortown,deathrun", Menu = "yes", Func = function(ply) return CmdPanel(false, false, false, false, "Kick Player: "..ply:Nick(), "What is the reason?", "ulx", "kick", ply:Nick()) end },
Adding a new URL steam browser/menu is done by adding a item like this one
CustomButtons[<unique number>] = { Name = "WebSite", Icon = Material("ld_materials/web.png"), Func = function() return "" end }
Adding a new rank to the scoreboard is done like this
Ranks[<rank name>] = { Name = "User", Icon = Material("ld_materials/Ranks/user.png"), Col = Color(255, 255, 255, 255) }
Adding custom levels scripts
PlyInfo.XpLevel = function(ply) return ply:Level() end //--Players Current Level. PlyInfo.CurrentXP = function(ply) return ply:CurrentXP() end //--Players Current XP. PlyInfo.XpRequired = function(ply) return ply:XpRequired() end //--Players XP Required until he reaches the next level.
If you want to add more columns to the scoreboard that is very simple. You simply create a new one like this with the information you want. There are many implemented that are not visible like Level/Points/Score but they do exist just need to display them.
{ Name = "Level", Display = false, GameMode = "sandbox,darkrp,terrortown,deathrun,murder", Align = TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Pos = function(self) return self:GetWide() / 1.65 end, Func = function(ply) return ply:GetLevel() end },
- Simply drop the folder in addons.
- In order to start editing the scoreboard go into ld_scoreboard/autorun/client/ld_config.lua and right at the top
- If you have black and purple icons make sure your FastDL has been synced after you uploaded the addons.
- If you are not using FastDL here is the workshop link: WorkShop Materials Addon
- If you have any problems with the scoreboard don't hesitate to open a ticket.
- If you are getting an error don't post it in the comments section.
- Any improvement or things that can be edited are welcome, just leave a comment with what you have on your mind.
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