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In short
The Backpack is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives a new and more controlled inventory system.
What is The Backpack?
The Backpack is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives a new and more controlled inventory system, by providing a whole list of unique features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.
Feature list
- DarkRP +2.5.
- Optimized system.
- Custom models.
- Custom materials.
- Content on steam workshop.
- Unlimited config options.
- All storing is permanent.
- Perma purchase of safe/backpack.
- Wearable backpack.
- Features a safe, if your backpack is full.
- Wall mounted stores, for purchase of backpacks/safes.
- Loot-able safe (config option)
- Upgrade your safe, so it can't be destroyed.
- All items are store-able without any need of a config.
- Crack the safe, with the safe cracker to steal items from the safe owner. (config option)
- Destroy the safe to receive items safe owners item. (config option)
- Saves items permanently, as long as the safe is owned by you, then you can access your items.
- The Safe/backpack can store, single weapons, shipments and entities.
How does the system work?
You either purchase a backpack or a safe from a wall mounted store, then take a shipment/weapon etc, and gently push it toward the front of the safe until it touch the safe, and then the safe will store it (permanent). Or if you want to store it in the backpack, then you just look at the item, while typing /save. To access your items in the safe, just simply press "e" on the safe. To access the backpack, you just type /backpack, while you have the backpack equipped. But be careful and protect your safe, as players can use the cracker tool to access your items (config option). You can also use it for the banker job, as it is raidable.
- Unzip the file.
- Read the readme.txt
- Any issues with installing? then add me on steam so i can help you add it.
Credit to Ganged for designing and creating the materials for the vgui panel and for making the banner. And credit to LordiAnders for making the model bonemergeable, and assisting with sorting some issues.
Note: The bag might be offset on some playermodels, at own risk.
If you notice any bugs? then add me on steam and let me know, so they can be fixed ASAP.
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