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In short
This script allows your government jobs (or any job really) to retrieve vehicles from an NPC. This has many great uses such as giving your police officer a car to cruise around in in order to catch criminals, or your paramedics to retrieve an ambulance and get to people faster.
The vgui is greatly inspired by my DarkRP NPC Shop, and these two addons works very well together!
- ULX rank restriction.
- NPC with indicator.
- This script is fully supported by VCMod.
- Simple config file with multiply options to edit your version.
- Remove old government vehicles from the menu, when the player disconnects, or when he/she changes jobs.
- Custom vehicle exist so you don't get stuck in the side of the vehicle.
- Easy configuration to add as many vehicles for all the teams you want.
- Comes with 5 default vehicles already set up.
- And much more!
This addon supports DarkRP 2.6.+
Other newer versions should also work. If they do not, please create a ticket so this can be sorted.
Extract "darkrpgovernmentvehiclestation" to your addons!
Once you've done that, you will want to set up the npc and the vehicle spawn.
All you have to do, is go to the locations you want the npc to spawn at, and type "govstation_setpos" into your console.
Setup NPC
Once you have done that, you will need to restart your server for the NPC to spawn at the new location.
To set up the location for the vehicles to spawn at, follow the next step.
Go the the location you want it to be at and type "govvehicle_setpos" into your console.
There is no restart required for setting the vehicle spawn position.
Remember to aim in the right direction, so you get the right angle on these two things.
You must be an administrator on your server to perform these actions.
The cars used by default in the addon is Sickness Models. However, you can use any vehicle you'd like. There is no SCars or Simfphys support!
Here are some download links to Sickness Models, but you can replace them with whatever cars you'd like.
Alternative Sickness Models:
There is no content included in the download. It is up to you to put Sickness Models on your server!
Please read the "README TO FIX MISSING SOUNDS!!!!!" in Sickness Models to install sounds and vehicle scripts.
Discord Server
I own a Discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.
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- DarkRP