OAS History

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In short

Records events on your server and allows administrators to play them back in first person.

NOTE this requires you to open the port 56001.

GMC and Crident Networks will not open this port for you

OAS:History records the last 24 hours of events that happened on your server. Admins can view any event from these 24 hours as if they were there, spectating the event. The playback has controls like a video would, pause/play fast forward and rewind.

What does it record?


  • When entities move
  • When players move
  • When bullets are fired
  • When players die
  • When entities make sound
  • When players spawn
  • When players chat
  • When players take damage
  • When entities are removed
  • When players use the toolgun
  • When players purchase TTT equipment
  • When players purchase anything from DarkRP

If there's something else that you'd like to show in replays, contact me through GMod Store and I might add it!


  • Highly optimized code
  • Fully configurable through the Menu, no messing with Lua files required
  • Fully automated, log management is done for you
  • Easy to use UI
  • In-game first time tutorial for your admins
  • Multi-language support
  • Performance tools
  • Live configuration management through the Menu, changes will not require server restart
  • Key shortcuts (which can be changed through Settings, in the Menu)
  • No FastDL setup required
  • And no more at all

A lot of features are not worth listing here because they should be taken for granted, the list of features here are only ones that aren't obvious from the addon's description


Slow motion soda can explosion

Timelapse of barrels exploding, stress test

More media coming shortly

Other developers have told me this would be impossible or would perform poorly

History uses binary modules to make some things that would usually be impossible, possible.

History's logging has little to no CPU usage. Additionally there are plenty of settings to reduce

disk usage at the cost of playback resolution.


To keep translations up to date I have released a github page for all of History's translations.

If you find anything missing or incorrect in these translations please make a pull request! Thank you.

23/07/2017 marks the end of the language exchange program. Thank you all for your help

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