Human Trafficking (NPC's, Dynamic Payouts, Police Interaction)

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In short

Traffic "real" humans to a drop-off point to earn money. You can traffic using your own truck (configurable) or the NPC will provide a truck for you. Police can detain them, and criminals can kill them to receive a bonus!

Missions are started by speaking to the trafficking NPC. Profit is randomized based on your pre-defined minimum and maximum earnings. Additionally, you will earn more money if you use your own truck to traffic with rather than the one provided by the NPC.

A mission begins with 4 civilians (npc's) that are spawned close to you. They will follow you, but they do not run fast. Bring them close to the truck and use the weapon to "tie" them in the truck.

Once all NPC's are placed in the truck you can drive to the drop-off which is displayed on your screen. Speak with the NPC to finish the mission and earn your reward. The profit is lowered if NPC's die under transport.

Gangsters and police are after you! Police officers can get a bonus by detaining the humans that you are trafficking. They are equipped with a special detain weapon for this. Gangsters and other criminals can also get a money reward by killing the humans. The mission fails if all 4 die or if you move too far away from them.


✔️ Dynamic payout based on how many NPC's you successfully traffic.

✔️ Traffic NPCs from one point to another.

✔️ 3D2D sign on NPCs with name, health status and pocket money.

✔️ Kill bonus for configured teams.

✔️ Police weapon to detain trafficked NPCs.

✔️ Moving too far away from the NPCs you are responsible for will kill them.

✔️ Truck has realistic damage and can be destroyed.

✔️ Dynamic trafficking profit.

✔️ Tie NPC's inside the truck with a swep.

✔️ Trafficked NPCs will drop their pocket money on death if killed by the right team.

✔️ Cooldown on missions to avoid spam/abuse.

✔️ Easy to add new trucks through the configuration.

✔️ 40+ general configurations.

✔️ 8 trucks pre-configured (Sickness Models, LoneWolfie & TDM Cars)

Discord Server

I have recently launched a discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.

This addon supports DarkRP 2.7+

Extract darkrphumantrafficking to your addons!

To position the NPCs, and the smuggle vehicles spawn position, you will have to be an admin in-game and run a few console commands.

To position the NPC that starts the trafficking mission, type trafficnpc_setpos in console.

To position the NPC where you finish the mission, type trafficsellnpc_setpos in console.

To set the position where the truck will spawn if they doesn't have their own, type traffictruck_setpos in console.

You will also need to set spawn positions for the trafficked humans. To do this there are 4 commands:

traffichuman1_setpos and traffichuman2_setpos and traffichuman3_setpos and traffichuman4_setpos

Run them at 4 different positions to save.

Set them close around to NPC and player, so the npcs will start following their 'owner'.

To reposition something, just type the command again.

The vehicles that are pre-defined are from Sickness Models, LW Cars & TDM Cars. You can find all of them on the workshop.

You can change and add supported trucks inside the configuration.


Sickness Models 1/2:

Sickness Models 2/2:

TDM GMC Truck:

LW Mercedes Trucks:


Workshop link:

To get the content working in-game you will need to add the workshops to your servers workshop collection, so the server downloads it. Everything is automatically set to download for the player.

Credit to Flaticon for the icons used the menu.

Credit to an old friend for doing the banner and head icons. I honestly don't remember who, but thanks <3

Credits to Sgt. Sickness, LoneWolfie & TDM for creating the vehicles used in this addon.

Customizing the addon is very simply. There are two files with over 40 different config values to change. You can control most of the script from the general configuration.

To customize the general addons settings go to darkrphumantrafficking/lua/ch_human_trafficking/shared/traffic_config.lua

View Traffic Config (pastebin)

To customize the trucks available for trafficking go to darkrphumantrafficking/lua/ch_human_trafficking/shared/traffic_trucks_config.lua

View Traffic Truck Config (pastebin)

If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copypaste of the error in console. I am also not interested in modifying you a custom version of the addon. Also not upon payment. Sorry!

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have some sort of proof that an addon is conflicting with my addon, please send me a PM with the details you might have.

Thank you!

If you like this script, you should check out some of my other addons for DarkRP. Just click the banner to open the script page in a new tab.

Product reviews

4.73 average based on 10 reviews

Super fun
After the author helped me with a issue, I got to use the addon with no problems and is really refreshing. This is kind of like GTA Online sell missions for DarkRP xD. 5/5 stars.
By scoobysnacks -
(version 2.0.2)
-German- Hatte an Anfang Probleme mit dem Script nach dem ich ein Support Ticket gemacht habe wurden Relativ schnell eine Lösung des Problems gefunden. Die Spieler Lieben das Addon. 10/10 -English- At the beginning I had problems with the script after I made a support ticket, a solution to the problem was found relatively quickly. The gamers love the addon. 10/10
By Gamer688 -
(version 1.4.2)
Best addon ever
the addon is completely phew, the functionality is well done and the configuration easy to understand. I really strongly recommend this addon. Thanks to the developer for this wonderful addon
By Tovaron -
(version 1.4.2)
Little Billy
good idea
good idea for an addon however due to vague comments and vague support I give it 3 star.
By Little Billy -
(version 1.4.0)
tres bon addon :) merci pour ce travaille de script
By AL4aZ -
(version 1.4.0)
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