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Jackpot - A Simple Gambling Minigame
Looking to make some quick cash? Bet with other players for the chance to win a large jackpot! Gamble to win big or lose it all! Inspired by various gambling sites, Jackpot is a simple minigame that can help balance the economy of any server.
How it works
- Players bet a set cash value
- The server generates a winner randomly using the percentages of each player
- If the server picks the player, they'll be given all the money in the pot and everyone else will get nothing
Gamemode + Language Support
- Supports DarkRP, Pointshop, Pointshop 2, and SantosRP (Requests? Message me!)
- Currently available in both French and English. However, the configuration allows for easy access to edit strings
- Sleek dark design theme
- Usable as an NPC and/or direct GUI
- Customization for almost every factor
- Every value is handled specifically by the server and cannot be altered through net messages
Simple drag casino_jackpot
into your addons directory When in-game, either use the commands "/jackpot" or "!jackpot" or spawn in an NPC (automatically made persistent) and you're done!
Open jackpot_config.lua
found in addons/casino_jackpot/lua/autorun
The following variables can be changed:
Casino_Jackpot.Config.RequiredPlayers --Amount of players required to start game Casino_Jackpot.Config.MaxJackpot --Maximum amount of money a pot can reach Casino_Jackpot.Config.MaxCashBet --Maximum multiplier allowed to bet on Casino_Jackpot.Config.MinCashBet --Minimum multiplier allowed to bet on Casino_Jackpot.Config.CountdownTimer --Seconds after jackpot limit is reached to begin drawing Casino_Jackpot.Config.Language --Currently supports English and French. May/can be expanded by adding a third table (Instructions below) Casino_Jackpot.Config.CurrencySymbol --Symbol used to represent the currency (£, €, etc) Casino_Jackpot.Config.TimeBeforeClear --Amount of time (in seconds) after a game is over to reset the screen Casino_Jackpot.Config.MinPlayerCountdown --Amount of betters until timer automatically starts counting down -- use 0 to disable this! Casino_Jackpot.Config.MinBetCountdown --Cash until timer automatically starts -- use 0 to disable this! Casino_Jackpot.Config.CashType --Available types are "DarkRP", "Pointshop", "Pointshop2_Standard", "Pointshop2_Premium" Anything else is defaulted to DarkRP. You can manually edit currency functions on line 92 of the server.lua file... Casino_Jackpot.Config.AnnouceWins --Announce in chat when a player has won a jackpot Casino_Jackpot.Config.CommandsEnabled --Whether the /jackpot and !jackpot commands should activate the menu. (If you only want people to use the NPC, I suggest setting this to false) Casino_Jackpot.Config.AnnounceToPlayersOnly --Annouce only to people who have bet/put money into the pot
Casino_Jackpot.Config.UsergroupRestrictions --Leaving this blank disables this feature. Usage: {"owner", "superadmin"} etc
Product reviews
5.00 average based on 4 reviews

[ERROR] addons/casino_jackpot/lua/lib/casino_jackpot/server.lua:318: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
1. pairs - [C]:-1
2. fn - addons/casino_jackpot/lua/lib/casino_jackpot/server.lua:318
3. unknown - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
help please
Author's reply
Try going into your server in "data/csgo_jackpot/" folder and try creating a blank text file with the name of your map.
For example, if my map was rp_downtown_v4 I would do: data/csgo_jackpot/rp_downtown_v4.txt
(Make sure all in lower-case). Please create a support ticket for further help.

Little bit too high Price for this but I like it :D

Normal addon, but high price for this
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