Easy Doorbell

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####Now released for free, you can still throw a bit of money my way on here if you really want to but otherwise here you go :)


Thank you to everyone else who purchased or gave feedback in the last year, this was my first addon and I couldn't have asked for a better experience, it's been fun!


Now supports all gamemodes, buttons and speakers can be placed with a custom GUI instead of a toolgun.

Animations Update!

Gif of animated buttons

Doorbells; the roleplay feature you never knew you needed.

Rather than having to bang on the door, shout through the walls or have to send a PM to see if someone is home or if a shopkeeper is available to serve you, why not just ring the doorbell instead?

This addon improves roleplay immersion and realism by adding customisable doorbell buttons and speakers that users can place in their home or store. There are 3 different doorbell styles, basic, fancy and modern, to fit in with all types of buildings and roleplay.

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION (Older version, speakers can now be made much louder)



  • Works in all gamemodes
  • Can be placed by players using a toolgun in darkRP and sandbox, or by admins using a custom GUI in all other gamemodes.
  • 4 custom made models, each with 3 LOD levels.
  • Custom textures
  • Custom sounds
  • Custom content automatically downloaded from workshop
  • Two new tools, one for configuring and placing doorbell buttons and the other for doorbell speakers
  • Permanent doorbells and speakers can be placed in the world without any additional addons.
  • Config file to adjust minimum button cooldown and max speaker volume
  • Convars to adjust maximum buttons and speakers per person
  • Separate language file for easy translation
  • Optimised code


After looking through the readme, simply drop the "easydoorbell" folder into your server's addons folder.

All client content (models, sounds and textures) will be automatically downloaded from the workshop.


Temporary doorbells - Use the two toolguns included to configure and place Permanent doorbells - Type '/edb perm' to bring up the permanent placement menu

Queries / Support / Bug Reports

Create a ticket or leave a comment in the discussion section and I will get back to you as soon as possible

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