Zero´s MethLab🔬 (Drug Script)

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In short

This Addon is a Breaking Bad inspired Meth cooking Mod for DarkRP.

Zero´s Methlab 2 >

Zero´s MethLab gives your players the Breaking Bad style Drug Script they ever wanted!


  • zmlab_OnMethSell_NPC(ply, methAmount, npc)
  • zmlab_OnMethSell_DropOff(ply, methEnt, dropoffpoint)
  • zmlab_OnMethSell_DropOff_Use(ply, methAmount, dropoffpoint)
  • zmlab_OnMethMade(ply, frezzingTray, methEnt)
  • zmlab_OnWanted(ply)

Other Media

Trailer Video

How to Cook Meth Video

How to Cook Meth Video 60 fps

Guide by Greenwood

Now you can get high on meth!

enter image description here

In Sell Mode 2 and 3 you have do deliver the meth do a dropoff point instead of the Meth Buyer direct.

enter image description here








  • Xenin Inventory Support
  • xAdmin Support
  • DRM Free
  • Itemstore Support
  • Consumable Meth with Sound and Screeneffects!
  • 3 Meth Sell Modes
  • Fun Meth Production Gameplay
  • Language Support (English, German, French, Polish)
  • Custom models
  • Custom Animations
  • Custom materials
  • Custom particles
  • Optimized system (Level of Detail)
  • Easy to use config

How can i save the Meth Buyer and Dropoff Points?

Type in the Chat !savezmlab

How do I cook Meth?

All the steps get shown on the Monitor of the Combiner do make it easy do understand. The whole Process can be configured in the config file.

Base Steps:

  1. Add Methylamin
  2. Let it cook
  3. Add Aluminium
  4. Let it mix
  5. Add a Filter do reduce the Lithiumhydridgas
  6. -Note- Adding no Filter decreases the Meth amount and could cause harm
  7. Wait for it do finish the Meth Sludge
  8. Collect the Meth Sludge with Trays and put them in too the Frezzer
  9. Break the Ice and put it in too the Transport Crates
  10. If defined in the Config then you need do Clean Combiner after each Batch before you can use it again

How do I install this?

Just open the .zip file and drag the folder into the gmod addons directory.

Will you provide support?

Yes, I will provide free support all the time if I am available.

What is required for this?

Half life 2, DarkRP and the zmLab contentpack

Where can i find the zmLab Content Pack?

Language Translations

Product reviews

4.81 average based on 53 reviews

Doesn't work anymore no support help
Do not buy this. Waste of money, it doesn't work anymore it will break your server.
By laynephipp -
(version 1.6.4)
Author's reply
Hello, we taking back the support, and all problems are solved.
By Kobralost -
Beauty in Simpllicity - or whatever the saying is
It's simple, gets the job done, looks nice, people know how to use it.
By BenJ -
(version 1.6.4)
A brilliant script
I am writing this after it has been marked as inactive and the new one has been released however I absolutely love this script since I came across it playing on a darkrp server, honestly one of my favourite ways of grinding money on darkrp!
By Markgamer -
(version 1.6.4)
Great Script, but False Advertisement
It's a good script and works pretty well, but if you're one of those people who bought this expecting to have xenin inventory or itemstore support well you're going to be disappointed. The script maker literally added the minimal things in for support and claims it to have full support when really it should 1/4 inventory support. Whenever I made a ticket about this he simply said "code it yourself or hire a dev" when he literally claims to have support for it in his features. I will change this review once this has been fixed.
This product was received for free
By Sch33zy -
(version 1.6.3)
Joe Martins
Très bon addon !
Pour l'avoir testé sur un serveur, je trouve cet addon très immersif ! Nous sommes Walter White dans Breaking Bad.
This product was received for free
By Joe Martins -
(Never downloaded)
1 of 12
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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Portuguese, Russian, English, German, Polish, Danish, Turkish, French, Spanish
None specified
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