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In short
Leyworkshopdls makes your players join quicker by moving downloads ingame :) Buy now and profit from people being in your server faster!
Discord (kinda unofficial):
The fastest&easiest downloading system on the market
Allowing players to join faster - play faster
Buy the original without DRM, not some copy with lies
Unlike the competition, this doesn't require you to manually manage your fastdl like in 1999!
if you don't want to buy it, then just don't
no this does not work for servers with 100 addons unless you only use this for some downloads
if the picture triggered you, then just leave edition
demo server:
other scripts:
LeySexyErrors - Sexy error models
LeyWorkshopDls - Minimize loading times!
SwiftAC - Catch lua-based cheatss!
LeyHitreg - No more fake hits!
- Never use fastdl again! Just upload your file to e.g. and link it up :)
- No fastdl syncing/compressing required
- No steam API key required
- All downloads happen once the loading screen is gone
- Makes your players load quicker
- Gets more players to your server
- Is easy to setup
- Doesn't require much
- Automatically generates its own .gma file from your server files based on ley research TM
- Does it all for a cheap price!
- Steam collection support
What does this script do?
It moves all your downloads from the steam workshop and fastdl to compressed gmas and downloads & mounts them once the player is ingame, thus allowing your server to become popular more easily!
Are there any issues?
Loading addons does still lag ( because loading addons, will always lag ). Loading lag gets moved from loadingscreen to ingame. Just telling you here because some people skip the FAQ and expect this to kill all the lags normally experienced in the loadingscreen from loading addons.
Doesn't work with maps, never will, due to the way maps are loaded in gmod. They have to stay on fast dl or old workshopdl. Also if you have a fuckton of content, it's possible that crashes may happen. That may also happen when gmod loads normally, because it isn't supposed to handle that much content. you can try tweaking the settings to stop it from happening, if it happens at all. Weapon scripts and particles sent over workshop sometimes don't load properly, rejoining or a mapchange will fix those issues.
there is NO way around mounting/loading addons. How do you wanna play the game without loading them??? It loads them without this addon too, but on the loadingscreen.
It doesn't even load it on every map change, if it's cached it just checks it which is really fast in my TTT server. No stutters compared to normal load. If you have problems it's because of your addons most likely.
How do I install this script?
- Drag & Drop to your addons folder
- If you want additioonally edit config_cooldownloads.lua to use your Collection Link
OPTIONAL STEPS: only if you want fastdl dls to be hotloaded too
- Run the chat command !leyworkshopdls_gen
- Download the file data/uploadthissomewhere.gma.dat from your server
- Upload that file to your webserver
- Run !leyworkshopdls_sv with the url e.g.
- done!
I wanna use my collection :C
Just edit --LeyWorkshopDls.CollectionID = nil
turn it into LeyWorkshopDls.CollectionID = yourcollectionid
I wanna load some addons on loadingscreen :C
Just edit --LeyWorkshopDls.CollectionIDLoading = nil
turn it into LeyWorkshopDls.CollectionIDLoading = yourcollectionid
I wanna fully control which addons load ingame and which on loadingscreen
- Start of by creating 3 different Collections:
- A collection for addons which should load ingame
- A collection for addons which should load in loadingscreen
- Lastly, a collection which contains all the stuff of both for your server use. Configure your server to use this as +host_workshop_collection
- Open the addons lua/config_cooldownloads.lua file
- Replace the CollectionIDLoading with the CollectionID of stuff you want loaded in loadingscreen LeyWorkshopDls.CollectionIDLoading = 1234567890
- Replace the other CollectionID (not CollectionIDLoading) with the CollectionID of stuff you want loaded ingame LeyWorkshopDls..CollectionID = 1234567890
- Set LeyWorkshopDls.BlockNonCollectionResources = true to prevent addons from AddWorkshopping stuff not on these collections.
- be happy
If there are new missing contents, try checking your server console for texts like "NOT ADDING: id" and try adding those to your collections too.
Can users disable downloads?
Yes, this is possible by doing one of the three:
- Setting leyworkshopdls_disabledl convar to 1
- Using source engines built in downloadfilter (cl_downloadfilter), also accessible somewhere in the games settings
- Running alias "leyworkshopdls_feedme" "echo disableddownload"
Where is the configuration???
It's in config_cooldownloads.lua
Can I send my maps dynamically (just the one being played) instead of all at once?
Yes. LeyworkshopDls can help you with that.
- Set LeyworkshopDls.SendMaps to true
- Add your maps from workshop to LeyworkshopDls.Maps i.e. LeyWorkshopDls.Maps["myepicmap"] = workshopid
- Download your maps from workshop manually using i.e. gmpublisher and upload them to your servers maps/ directory
Now your clients won't download all of your maps at once. Instead, only the map your server is actively using will be sent to the clients..
I'm unsure whether it'll work for my server :(
I as a rule of a thumb say over ~0.5~1gb and your server is fat. However, it depends on the kind of content. Either way, if you're unsure, I recommend just not buying it unless you wanna take the risk. Hell, even if it doesn't work for your DarkRP with 20gb of content, it might work for your nice TTT (e.g. mine at
I read gmod now 2gb! I put all my content in one big 2 gb file! Work??
Fuck no. That idea will NOT and will NEVER work. Garry's Mod is SINGLETHREADED. This means all the rendering, sounds, networking, user input etc. all happens on ONE thread. You can imagine this being like 1 traffic lane. Now imagine you shoving a fat ass truck onto that lane that's so fucking large and so fucking slow that everything gets jammed and no one can continue to drive. The game will behave unpredictably and crash. Even in the loadingscreen loading 2 gigs of content at once is a terrible, terrible idea. The only reason why that is a bit less likely to crash is because when in the loadingscreen people don't go all "clicky clicky" on the game and because there's no shit being rendered etc there's a bit less traffic on the lane. Even then, it's a fucking terrible idea. You should use the workshop the way it was intended. In other words, setup a collection and use that instead.
How does it work?
All your files which would normally have to be uploaded to several workshop addons or to your fastdl get compiled into one GMA. This gma is downloaded and uncompressed by each client, once ingame, thus allowing you to serve your clients your files easier, quicker & when they're fully loaded instead of causing them to be stuck at the loading screen. The second thing it does is changing the way workshop addons are loaded. Instead of downloading workshop downloads while at the loading screen it moves them all to when they're fully loaded. Those 2 factors combined reduce your loading times greatly - amazing-
but dude, isn't there a script like this for free already?
No - this one is different. There've been several users who couldn't bother reading through the comments and thus I've decided to add a new section here. First of all this works for fastdl stuff too and doesn't just help you make your fastdl stuff easier to use. Instead of uploading all kinds of shit you just gotta upload the stuff this addon generates for you and your maps. Secondly it reduces the size of your fastdl stuff compared to normal fastdl, because it not just gets gma'd through lua ( which is also pretty nifty ) but also compressed in a nice manner. Thirdly it allows people to generally download a bit quicker because smaller file sizes means faster downloads. Another cool thing it does is spreading out loads with some semi nifty algorithms to avoid people from lagging/reduce lag for people with worse pcs, each workshop addon gets categorized and treated differently. This together with halting the process intelligently can depending on your addons and settings fully prevent you and your players from lagging while loading. In other words, the alternatives offer less functionality and work worse, but if you don't mind that, feel free to use them
part of TOS:
Your access can get removed if;
- you're a cheater
- you're being dumb
- you're leaking it
- you bought it to help cheaters improve their cheats
- you are a cheater trying to improve his/her cheat
By purchasing and/or using this you also agree to;
- the possibility of leakers getting punished on your server
- not leak the script and incase you do, face possible punishments
- data being processed from external sources
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