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In short
xGangs is a complete gang system which allows players to create gangs, including individually editable groups, gang upgrades, challenges, inventory, EXP/levels, leaderboards, gang relationships, zone captures and more.
In-game config
Gang EXP/levels
Gang loot
Gang cash/balance
Gang relationships
Easily add and remove gangs as allies or enemies
Gang inventory
Deposit items easily from your loadout into a shared gang storage
Separate permissions for withdrawing and depositing items
Gang upgrades
Create and configure gang upgrades easily from the xGangs menu
Gang challenges (achievements)
Create and configure gang challenges easily from the xGangs menu
Gang administration
Manage gangs from within the xGangs menu - allow your admins to edit gang names and icons or add resources (EXP/Cash/Loot) to gangs
Zone Captures
Define zones on the map using the Zone Designator tool
Easily create new zone captures for each zone within the xGangs menu
Zone Captures can be started by gang members, requiring the gang to control the zone for a specified amount of time - if no gang members are left alive in the zone for the configured time period (default: 5 seconds), the Zone Capture will fail
Configure cash, loot and EXP rewards for completing zone captures
Configure who can access administrative features of xGangs directly from your favourite admin mod
Supports xAdmin (1 & 2), ULX, FAdmin and all CAMI-compliant admin mods
Using an unsupported admin mod? Create a ticket and I can do my best to add support for it!
Easy setup and configuration
Simple user interface
Easily access and use every feature of xGangs directly from the xGangs or xLib menu
MySQL / SQLite support
Easily configure data storage from the included xLib Addon Administration system
Modular support for commands and additions
Product reviews
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