Zero´s OilRush 🛢️ (OilScript) [Re:Coded]

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In short

This Script adds a fun Oil drilling and refining Gameplay to your Server!

enter image description hereYou can build Drilltowers on Oil Sources and feed them with Drillpipes till you reach the Oil. Sometimes you gonna hit ButanGas which you have do Burn out before you can build a Pump on the Drillhole. You can refine the harvested Oil in diffrent kind of Fuels. Depending on the Fuel its going do have a lower refine output. Thats were the Modules come in the Game! You can boost your Machines using varies Modules which increase its Production, Speed, etc…

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The Module Shop allows you do buy Modules which gives your Machine SpeedBoost, ProductionBoost, Refining Boost, ExtraPipes, CoolingBoost and a Jamming Reduction.

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This Building System makes it easier do handle this Big Machines. The Buildkits give you a easy build interface and put disassembled machines back in the box with all their Modules.

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If you found some bugs please use the gmodstore TicketSystem to contact me.


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Please take the time to review my script. Negative and Positive critic is welcome.

Suggestions are also allways welcome in the Discussion section.

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Xenin Inventory Support

SAM Support

enter image description here VCMod Support!

enter image description here Itemstore Support!

enter image description here DRM Free

enter image description here Vrondakis Leveling System Support

enter image description here Fully Customizable

enter image description here Easy Building System

enter image description here Dynamic Fuel Market

enter image description here Neat UI

enter image description here Chaos Events

enter image description here Multi Language Support (English, German, French, Hungarian, Spanish, Polish)

enter image description here Custom Models

enter image description here Custom Animations

enter image description here Custom materials

enter image description here Custom particles

enter image description here Optimized system (Level of Detail)

enter image description here Easy to use config

enter image description here OilSpot Generator Creation Tool

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Full config Click here

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Create you own Fuels

enter image description here

Create you own OilSources

enter image description here

Create you own Ability Modules

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Default Machine Settings

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How do I spawn the OilSpots?

There is a Tool for that called OilSpot Spawner in the category Zeros OilRush

How can i build the DrillTower anywhere?

For this you just need do change the DrillMode in the config zrush.config.Drill_Mode = id

// 0 = The DrillTower dont needs a oilspots and can be placed everywhere

// 1 = The DrillTower can only be placed on OilSpots and OilSpots Refresh after use (OilSpots need do be placed by an Admin)

// 2 = The DrillTower can only be placed on OilSpots which get created at random by a OilSpot Generator. (OilSpot Generator need do be placed by an Admin)

How do I install this?

Just open the .zip file and drag the folder into the gmod addons directory and install >

How do I save the BuyerNPC and the Oil Generators?

Just type !savezrush in too the chat.

Are there any other commands?

Yes, You can view your intern fuel inventory by typing !fuelinv

and you can drop your intern fuel inventory with !dropfuel

Will you provide support?

Yes, I will provide free support all the time if I am available.

What Gamemode does this Script Support?

Currently it supports DarkRP, BaseWars and NutScript

What is required for this?

The Contentpack

Where can i find the Content Pack?

[2D Design / Bug Testing] SirThomas

Language Translations








Product reviews

5.00 average based on 19 reviews

I say yes ! One more addon in my favorites list
So ! I recommend this addon! Very complete, it really allows players to use very complete mechanics with an optimal "configuration" system: I was able to put +20 types of fuel without problem, the addon really does the job well. request. Small negative point for the absence of pointshop2 as a payment method for the improvements, but hey, its not worth a star less ;)
By Rayzox57 -
(version 1.7.4)
Top dev
All this dudes addons are pretty litty, and the guy himself is absolutely top. I had issues with an addon of his that he doesn't even support anymore, and he STILL took the time to help me fix the issue. Absolute lad.
By Shysley -
(version 1.7.3)
Love this
Had an older oil script in server, replaced it with this :) another nice addon
By ScoobyWRX -
(version 1.7.2)
Brilliant add on
Brilliant add on recently added it to my server real gamers and works perfectly, vip fuel prices are a bit high but it was easy enough to fix
By Gamergasm -
(version 1.5.5)
Kommandant Jut
Awesome Script
I can't even begin to describe how awesome this script is. Not only does it add great features, Zero provides detailed high quality models and support for his addon. Well worth the money.
By Kommandant Jut -
(version 1.1.1)
1 of 5
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