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Curator's Featured Review
Perfect donation system who does his job.
That's a fucking good Donation System... I just asked @Marcuz to give me some hints to add my own PHP actions, and he answered me in a few hours. Nothing to say about the support, they are so fast to answer! After having seen the Prometheus source code, the only criticism I can make is that there are practically no comments. Nevertheless, the code remains extremely readable, thanks to the perfect indentations! It's really quality work! Even without modifications, Prometheus remains a very well-established system that has proven itself in many communities! It is very elegant and easy to use for novices. Anyway, I think I can say that Prometheus is by far the best donation system that exists on this store.
In short
Prometheus is the Garry's Mod enterprise payment & donation system. In Prometheus you can easily manage packages and give the user what they bought. Set up fun raffles for your users. Give them special holiday treats like an advent calendar during Christmas. A special Halloween theme and more!
Prometheus - The enterprise GMod donation system
By Marcuz and Newjorciks
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After Purchasing
After purchasing you need to visit in order to get your API key. It may take up to 15 minutes for this to update after your purchase.
The documentation/wiki is located here:
Video tutorial on installing Prometheus by GoldTrigger:
Video tutorial on installing Prometheus by Crazymaster00:
Credits to kanalumaddela for the new banner
Product reviews
4.89 average based on 338 reviews
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Product details
- A web-host with PHP 7.4 or greater
- A MySQL database w/remote connections(recommended version 5.7)
- PHP modules: mbstring, php-xml, openssl, curl
- PHP config: url_allow_fopen enabled
- MySQLoo for Garry's Mod
- A Garry's Mod Server(No, this does not support Rust)
- Paypal Business Account(to use Paypal services)