Saturdays' Presents - Perfect for Christmas

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In short

Are you ready for Christmas? I'm sure you are, the only thing your server is missing are presents!

To celebrate this special season we bring you a brand new present & snowman system for your players to enjoy. The script adds a present entity and a snowman entity available under the Q menu. Below you can see all of the features and reward types, I also recommend you check out Media. 


⭐ Optimized code

⭐ Custom models 

⭐ Custom animations

⭐ Custom particles

⭐ Multi-color support (present)

⭐ Supports ALL gamemodes

⭐ Can support multiple loot types (ticket)

⭐ Fully customizable 

⭐ Easy to use config

⭐ Admin mode to preview all of the spawns

⭐ Tool to add present spawns

⭐ Hooks & Functions (Developers)

⭐ Support for multiple loot types

Loot Types

🎄 DarkRP Money 

🎄 SH Pointshop Standard Points 

🎄 SH Pointshop Premium Points

🎄 XP (gLevel)

🎄 Weapons

🎄 Base Wars Money

🎄 Base Wars Level 

🎄 Pointshop 2 Standard Points

🎄 Pointshop 2 Premium Points

🎄 Pointshop 2 Items

Although the list is rather slim it supports the most popular solutions on DarkRP servers. That being said, I am able to add more loot types if your server needs it, simply open a ticket and wait for me to reply - this will usually take less than 24 hours as I am very active and caring for my customers. 


To install the script all you have to do is unzip the file, then drag 'n' drop the "spresents" folder into your servers addons folder.

General Config

Once you've successfully installed the script on your server, it's time to take a look at the config file and change it according to your needs. The file is located at saturdays_presents/lua/saturdays_presents/sh_config.lua. The config is extremely simple to understand and you should be able to work it out by reading the little notes above each option.

Adding Spawns

The script is useless without some spawnpoints, we've made it easy for you so all you have to do is hop in-game, open up your Q menu and navigate to the Present Placer tool. After that, you can press left-click to add a spawn and right-click to wipe all spawns off the map, simple as that.

Adding Loot

In order to add more loot you have to modify the table located in the config file at the very bottom, once again, it's very easy to use and you shouldn't have any problems with it. After you've added more loot, it's generally speaking a good idea to restart your server to make sure everything is loaded successfully.

Admin Commands

The script also comes with a few handy admin commands, they are as following:


These commands are for the admin-view feature of the script, they are rather straightforward.


This is the content for the script, add it to your collection:

I won't provide support anywhere else than GmodStore tickets unless you are strictly ask to add me on steam (this rarely happens). Please give me some time to respond to your ticket, keep in mind I am a human, I have a life, friends and I can't sit and answer tickets all the time. If you have submitted a ticket and it hasn't been answered in 48h then you can contact me. Asking for support in my comments/script discussion or anywhere else is not the right way to do it, this will only make the whole process longer and harder for us. This is obvious but I feel like it's necessary to add here: I will only provide support to people, who have purchased the script. If you got it from a leak/you're some "co-owner" or "business partner" you simply won't get support. Also, if you haven't replied to your ticket within three days I will automatically close it, feel free to re-open it if you ever need more help.

Below are all the people who have somehow contributed to the creation of this script.

  • SaturdaysHeroes (Coding)
  • Sterling Pierce (Models)
  • Owain (Coding Help)
  • OGL (Banner)
  • Goksan (Idea)
Product reviews

5.00 average based on 2 reviews

Daniel .E Farmer
Great job!
Very simple to install, works great and new users love it!
By Daniel .E Farmer -
(version 1.1.1a)
Verry god job
Perfect script to celebrate Christmas with all its players on server! Effective and fast support, a big crush on this script!
By Antoine -
(version 1.0.2)
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SaturdaysHeroes + Sterling
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