🔧 Mechanical System | Tow Truck & Tow Fining

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Have you ever dreamed about a really good mechanical system including a complete tow truck and a tow fining system? Here it is, for you, as you've ever dreamed!

Thanks to the Mechanic NPC, a mechanic can retrieve or remove his vehicle easily.

When someone becomes mechanic, he just has to go to the NPC to retrieve his vehicle, then he'll get in, get his remote controller, and be able to do his job.

When a mechanic wants to leave the job, he just has to go to the NPC again. The vehicle will be removed and the player will be stripped of his remote controller.

Thanks to the remote controller and the tow truck, any mechanic can tow a vehicle very easily.

When a mechanic retrieves his vehicle, he automatically gets a remote controller which allows him to easily manage his tow truck.

Once a mechanic wants to tow a vehicle, he just has to place his vehicle in front of the other one. Then, he has to use his remote controller which allows you to:

· Lock/Unlock the trailer: Allows you to lock or unlock the trailer, when the trailer is locked, you can move it down.

· Move the trailer: Allows you to move down or up the trailer, when it is down, a vehicle can easily be put on the trailer thanks to the rope.

· Extend the rope: Allows you to extend the rope, usually to put the vehicle off the trailer once you towed it.

· Shrink the rope: Allows you to shrink the rope, usually to put the vehicle on the trailer once you put the rope on it

Also, the rope of the trailer can be put on a vehicle very easily thanks to the hook swep.

Thanks to the tow fining system, any mechanic is able to set a fine on a vehicle.

To do that, the mechanic just has to press "RELOAD" in front of a car. Then, a paper will appear where he'll be able to see much information about the vehicle and also fill some information: the description/reason of the towing and the price that he wants to set for the towing fine (min/max are configurable)

Then, when a player will have a tow fine on one of his vehicles, he'll see an icon on his screen where the car is with the price indicated. Once he'll be close to the vehicle, when trying to enter in it, he'll have the paper with the description/reason of the towing fine and the price that he has to pay (set before) to get access to his vehicle back. When the towing fine will be paid, the player will be able to get in his vehicle and the mechanic who set the towing fine will receive the amount.

As a tow truck driver, you have a monitor in your vehicle that you can see and manager while driving!

On this monitor, you can see all the requests that you received and you're able to accept, cancel or delete any request. Once a request is accepted, you see on your screen a point where you need to go.

  • Mechanic NPC
  • Allows you to retrieve or remove your vehicle as a mechanic
  • Custom models
  • Custom vehicle model (vehicle)
  • Custom trailer model (prop)
  • Custom remote controller model (swep)
  • Custom hook model (swep)
  • Advanced tow truck
  • Trailer on the it to carry a vehicle
  • Hook to hang a vehicle
  • VCMod compatibility (2 seats)
  • Tow fining system
  • After a tow, the mechanic can send a tow fine on the vehicle
  • The owner of the vehicle must pay the tow fine before entering in the vehic
  • Request system
  • Allows a citizen to call easily a mechanic
  • Allows a mechanic to manage his requests
  • Several languages
  • A lot of languages are available and more are coming thanks to you all
  • A new language is available without any update

  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. Configure this addon at mechanical_system/lua/mechanical_sytem/shared/config.lua
  3. Restart your server
  4. To set the position of the NPC, use msystem_setnpcpos in your client console where you want it to be (you must clean up your map after that command)
  5. To set the spawn position of the vehicle, use msystem_setvehiclepos in your client console where you want it to be
  6. Do no try to give the mechanic weapons from the spawn menu, you only can get them from the NPC (when you retrieve your tow truck)

Flex Lib

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If you want to translate the addon in another language unavailable just click on the link and you'll just have to follow the instructions and you'll get a -50% coupon once your translation is approved. It must be in your primary language. (following to an issue with our host, we cannot use this way anymore)

If you want to translate the addon in another language that is unavailable, go on this link and make a pull request with the new language.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 13 reviews

Great Addon!
This is one of the best Addons i've ever seen. I saw this addon on my first rp server and til now love it. Great Work!
By Jan123 -
(version 1.0.4)
Good support and Good addon
le support rapide et efficace et l'addon est trop bien !
By totolabanane -
(version 1.0.4)
Fernando Pedro
Cette addon est vraiment incroyable ! This addon is very incredible !
By Fernando Pedro -
(version 1.0.4)
Great Addon, Easy Setup, A+ Support
Easy to setup addon that works great! Support is superb as well and very quick to resolve issues. Would recommend.
By Masco -
(version 1.0.4)
donne un réel sens au métier de garagiste! je recommande ++
By dydy -
(version 1.0.3)
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  • DarkRP
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