Prime HUD - Flexible, Clean, & Optimized

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In short

A powerful DarkRP hud with extensive features.


About the Project

The team that brought you this design consisted of Brudr ( Designer/Coder ), end360 ( Coder ), and Micro ( Coder ). This was a fun project for all three of them and grew their relationship to inspire future projects soon to be released. The goal of this project was to bring the standard DarkRP server a powerful hud that gave not only a professional look and feel, but efficiency and ease-of-use for the end user. This powerful hud offers a complete overhaul for the default DarkRP hud to give your server a sleek look and make the experience on your server that much more enjoyable. Much more information on how this amazing product can change your server can be found in the features tab above along with a demonstration video in the demonstration tab!


Simple Config

We have a config that allows you to enable/disable all parts of the hud, aling with language settings, and boss system configuration! Location: lua/hud/shared/config.lua

Boss System!

System built for server events. Allows you to set a player as a boss, as well as their health/armor values. Bosses health/armor is displayed at the top of the screen. This feature is accessed via console command but you must EDIT the config to ensure the rank permissions are setup correctly. The console commands for this is: 'setboss <name> <healthvalue> <armorvalue>' and 'stopboss'

Wanted Notifications

Custom wanted notifications that appear for the client that is wanted.

HUD Notifications

A sleek new design for the default GMod notifications at the bottom right of your screen.

Segmented Health/Armor Bar with Ease Animations

Health/Armor is segmented into 25 hit point chunks, with accumulative health/armor numbers allowing for flexible health/armor extending past 100. Ease Animations applied to Health, Armor, and Money.

Reactive Ammo Counter

As you use your weapon’s ammo the color of the amount of ammo in the clip goes into a darker red advising you that you are getting low on ammo in that clip.

Overhead Typing Display

We got tired of that old clunky chat bubble and replaced it with a new sleek 2d3d animation! A simple three periods (...) that do the wave periodically as you type!

Overhead and Context Menu with Voice Chat Display

A sleek clean and simple look to identify players with power features to enhance game mode functions. Identifies player's job color with ring around the players feet. Red pulse animation is added when player is wanted. Subtle reactive voice chat display.

Hunger Mod Support

A sleek addition to support hunger mod automatically.


A flexible schedule so that duties can be assigned to personnel proficiently, with the ability to be hidden. There is even the smart feature of preventing conflict with doors.

Door Info

We added custom door info to please your eyes along with a customized f2 menu. Comes with a convar to lower the amount of doors rendered at a time: prime_hud_doorinfo_dynamicdist


A sleek new voting design with a smooth progress bar to allow your players to vote on a royal level.

Arrest Timer

A fancy notification appears when someone is arrested along with a timer sliding in for the player that is arrested.


A sleek compass to fill the need of direction finding.

Gesture Menu Reskin

A reskin of the menu when a player goes to do a gesture.

City Ordinances (Lawboard)

A sleek box that displays the laws of the land.

Kill Feed

A sleek new advanced kill feed that offers options to display differently.

Vehicle Info

A sleek themed box that displays vehicle ownership info instead of the default one.

Rank Icon in font of name on overhead

A silk icon based on rank that allows for users to identify staff, donators and users by looking at someone's name on the overhead.

Multiples Languages

We support the languages below:

en English US

fr French Standard

ru Russian

de German Standard

nl Dutch (Standard)

no Norwegian

es Spanish

ch Chinese

pl Polish

tr Turkish

You can set the default language for everyone in the config ( default english ) and the players can use a console command to change their own.

primehud_lang_override <lang id here>

Know a language not on the list? Contact one of the creators if you are interested in contributing to the language translation team! You get your name on the credits list!

BWhitelist Support

Use BWhitelist? That's ok! Our context menu has integration with it! It also automatically detects BWhitelist's installation leaving it at just a drag and drop with no further user configuration needed!


Working on updated demonstration.

Missing Content

Having issues loading our custom resources?

We have content on the workshop that you can fastdl:


How do I get support?

Please use the gmodstore ticket system instead of adding us on steam. It saves time and is more efficient. Thank you!

Can I add the creators on steam?

Sure, we are friendly people. Just don't expect support on steam as we prefer to use the ticket system provided by gmodstore.

Can I add support for other languages?

Sure, you can find the format below.

PrimeHUD_Lang = {

  Unowned     = "Sin dueño",

  Own       = "Presiona F2 para adueñarse",

  GiveMoney    = "Dar dinero",

  GiveMoneyTo   = "Dar dinero a %s.",

  CopySteamID   = "Copiar SteamID",

  CommunityProfile = "Perfil de la comunidad",

  Whitelist    = "añadir",

  F2ToHide     = " - F2 para esconder",

  F2ToShow     = "F2 para mostrar",

  Lockdown     = "Bloqueo",

  Licensed     = "Licensiado",

  Wanted      = "BUSCADO",

  WantedLower   = "Buscado",

  HasBecomeBoss  = " Se ha convertido en un jefe!",

  YouGave     = "Has dado %s %s.",

  GaveYou     = "%s te ha dado %s.",

  KillFeedKill   = "Tu mataste",

  KillFeedGlobal  = "delicado",

  KillFeedKilled  = "Fuiste asesinado por",

  KillFeedSuicide = "Te suicidaste.",

  KillFeedGS    = "se suicidó.",

  KillFeedDeath  = "Has sido asesinado.",

  KillFeedGD    = "ha sido asesinado.",





Designer and Coder






Zero Chain

( German )


( Dutch )


( French & Spanish )


( Norwegian )


( Russian )


( Chinese )


( Polish )


( Turkish )

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4.35 average based on 10 reviews

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Prime Development
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Russian, English, Dutch, Norwegian, German, Polish, Turkish, French, Chinese, Spanish
  • DarkRP
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