SPhone - Modern Smartphone

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In short

A modern smartphone

SPhone is a smartphone that will create interesting gameplay possibilities and the ability to offer you a much more advanced roleplay experience.

SPhone was created by 3630, dontworry and Flo. The primary purpose of this addon is to offer you a complete phone addon experience that includes and builds upon other systems other than a basic phone that simply has the option to call or send messages. We wanted to push SPhone to the maximum of these capacities. We want to give your servers the opportunity to diversify! And that's why we made SPhone! If you want more information, you can check out the features tab to learn more about SPhone!

Hitman System

This system offers you the possibility to make contracts on other players. The player needs to fill in the description of a contract, a price (you can configure a minimum amount), once your contract sent to the hitman, he has to figure out who the target is based on the description you have given. (Hitman are permitted to decline/accept the contracts as they wish).


This system allows you to contact the different professions related to emergencies such as paramedics, police officers, the job you decide to implement in the configuration through a ticket system located at the top right of the screen.


The black market is made up of a menu containing various things such as the purchase of ammunition, weapons or entities. When you go in this menu the wallpaper will be automatically changed to make it more immersive. The black market operates thanks to a delivery system (you can configure the different delivery positions in the configuration file). Once you have bought on the black market you will see an icon indicating the position of your purchased good. After some configurable time the police will be informed about illegal purchase and the delivery drop-off of said item, they will be rewarded if they manage to intercept the package from the owner!


You can add contacts. Just fill in the person's number and name to save it.


The message system is simple to use. You simply need to choose a contact or input in the number. Once your message is written (you can choose a mandatory number of characters in the configuration file) you just have to send it. This system includes custom notifications. The system is backed up by history feature, meaning you can view your past messages and conversations at any time!


The call system is also easy to use. You simply need to either choose a contact or input in the number and call it.


The market will allow you to buy different types of notifications or ringtones or wallpapers. This system allows you to customize your phone as you wish. It is possible for the server owners to create their own content of wallpapers, notifications or ringtones - Although those will need to be uploaded as a workshop content or FastDL'ed to the players for them to be able to see/hear it.


Simple enough, it lets you take photos. Say cheeeeeeese!


You can make public or anonymous announcements. Price of your ad depends on how your ad is, the default price is 5$ (Configurable) per character in your ad (not excluding spaces).

If you are a member of a staff group (configurable) then anonymous announcements will show you the users name anyways - It's done so any kind of anonymous announcement abuse can be caught by your staff!


At the moment the script has only English, French and German translations done.

If you want to translate the addon, open a ticket or DM one of the creators.


The addon is completely customizable thanks to its configuration file. You can change the wallpapers proposed in the shop, hide some applications in your main menu or add emergency calls.

Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/

Configure the SPhone /garrysmod/addons/sphone_script/lua/sphone/shared/sh_config.lua

Add the content to your server through workshop (contents : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1920139817) or set SPhone.config.fast_download = true in the config file

/!\ WARNING /!\

When updating to a new version the config might be changed so be sure to keep a copy of your configurations

Here a list of all of configs :


If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copy paste of the error in console.

Product reviews

4.67 average based on 5 reviews

Bon addon je recommande
Un addon simple et efficace, je recommande, service rapide, aide rapide, pour moi si vous pouvez foncer !
(version 1.7.1d)
Cool things but....
This addon is cool, but some options are not really... RP, like : Emergency call : Preferable to have a voice call system than a GPS system. Games : No games in the smartphone, for boring moments. (for the moment, that's all) I wish addon author will create these big options !
By LeRém -
(version 1.7.1c)
Был баг, разработчик через 30 минут после того, как написал выпустил фикс!!
By Dopler -
(version 1.6.3)
Excellent Phone, Good content
This addon does what it should. It's a good SWEP (As you hold it in your hand) and got the basic content, number, sms, adverts, etc. It also has custom modules as hitman, black market and customizing your phone (This is not something you find in other addons). I would suggest to add GPS and bind system. 9/10
By Tekiad -
(version 1.6.2b)
High-Quality Phone
This phone is pretty nice, and include a lot of features, just not dial or pm a phone number! It will help u to increase the realism of your server. And as well, they are friendly devs. This Phone is a luck for gmod. Also we are talking to provide an option to link the police dial to my addon. Great addon!
This product was received for free
By Fleodon -
(version 1.5.2)
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Russian, English, German, Polish, French, Chinese, Spanish
  • DarkRP
  • (OPTIONAL) StormFox
  • (OPTIONAL) 911 Emergency Response
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