Title Store V2

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In short

Title Store V2 allows players to buy fancy animated overhead titles with their DarkRP/Basewars currencies.

Title Store V2 is a revamp of Title Store V1 with all the features V1 should have had. It is a permanent NPC store that allows players to buy animated titles with their money and look great doing it. Titles are stored using either SQLite or MySQL meaning players titles will be kept on reset.

It allows players to use their money to buy overhead titles that have many nice looking animations ranging from simple bouncing titles to titles that spiral around the wearers body (see video in media tab).

  • DarkRP and Basewars support. (Ask about other game-mode support as I may be able to cook something up for you)
  • 10 Sweet looking title animations (Let me know if you have any ideas for animations)
  • Extra Spin/Rainbow attributes (nicer looking rainbow than v1)
  • Different Fonts for titles (may have to add fonts to your gmod server if you want to add external ones)
  • The ability to refund titles (for a percentage of the cost, determined in config)
  • In-Game Clientside settings (players experiencing lag can turn off titles ect)
  • Custom Check (You can give your supermegadonator ranks a little something so you can squeeze more money out of their parents banks.)
  • Ability to buy titles with custom text
  • Admin menu to monitor players titles and give, remove and refund them too.
  • Admins are notified if anyone tries to use clientside lua to cheat in titles.
  • Lightweight - This addon was designed to be as small and compact as possible, this means it does not pull too much on your server resources (SQLite and MySQL functions make use of cache wherever possible)
  • MySQL <-> SQLite Conversion.
  • Translation file so you can translate the script to your servers language.
  • Title Store V1 Titles will automatically be transfered over. If you have previously renamed some of the animations it won't work. Apologies for that.
  • NPC saving (Doesn't require permaprop)

By default the commands are:

!titles -- Opens the title selection/settings menu

!titlesadmin -- Opens the admin title menu where titles can be allocated and removed ect.

!titlestoresave -- Saves the current state of the NPC's.

!titlestoretransfer -- Transfers MySQL -> SQL and vice versa. Use with discretion.


Extract the zip file into your addons folder and that's pretty much it, there's no content, no downloads. no nothing.

Own the original Title Store?

The old script will have been disabled however you should still have access to it and be able to download it. Title Store V1 will be updated to this version so you can all have it for free.

Found a bug or exploit?

Please contact me through gmodstore and I'll respond whenever I can to attempt to fix the issue whether it's on your end or my end. All bug reports are very much so appreiciated.


Please take the time to review the script, positive reviews are always welcomed but if you wish to leave a negative review, please send me a support ticket beforehand giving me your feedback so that I can enact on it before.

Config File

I've tried to allow almost everything to be configurable in some way. By doing this it allows the user to have the script as fine tuned to their liking as possible. If you find something that you think should be configurable, let me know and I'll add it depending on what it is. If you want something very niche I may just tell you how to edit the core script yourself.

The configuration files are located in title_store_v2/lua/config

German Translation - Thanks to Funny_TV

Turkish Translation - Thanks to Wolflix and Power

Russian Translation - Thanks to Tenebris Dominus

Ben - Wrote Addon

Owain - Wrote most of V1, Some of his animations and functions remain.

Bizzy - Used his net message spam prevention function to keep your servers safe.

Clorox - Helping me test features and find bugs.

Product reviews

4.90 average based on 10 reviews

Easy to Use but stopped working.
I initially had a great experience with the Title Store addon. It worked flawlessly and was a fantastic addition to my server. However, after a recent Garry's Mod update, the addon stopped working for some reason, which has been disappointing. I’m not sure if it’s an issue with my sql database, the gmod update or the addon itself, but I hope this gets resolved soon because it was a great feature while it lasted.
By KinppyTTV -
(version 1.0.9)
Great addon and amazing support!
Just a beautiful addon and the support was just amazing. I don't know what else to say.
By ayy -
(version 1.1.6)
Very Easy To Setup
Very easy to config, great support, and just a good addon every server needs.
By Dew -
(version 1.1.6)
Excellent cosmetic option, excellent support
This addon has added a much needed cosmetic money sink to my DarkRP server. I had a very unique issue with my setup and the developer was very quick to help resolve the issue. 10/10 must have.
By Xiaous -
(version 1.1.4)
Really sleek addon, Developer insane hot fire support!
Where do I start? Honestly this addon is so sleek and exactly what I needed for my server. The range of animations and features you can customise is unreal, and it is super easy to setup, for five pound, that in itself is amazing. But what really put the cherry on top was the developer, I had a few questions and he responded within the hour (hot fire support). I have never met such a dedicated developer. This addon is most certainly worth the investment! Hope to see more addons from this guy in the future!
By Tubbsy69 -
(version 1.1)
1 of 5
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