πŸͺ SlownLS - Market | An advanced market system

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In short

An advanced 3D market system for garry's mod

This addon will add a system for your players to buy items (food, weapons, entities) in a new way, more realistic way.

How does it work?

This addon is configurable in game, using several dedicated tools (npc, zone, items). It will allow your players to buy items in a market that you have defined before..


  • Full configurable in game menu
  • Realistic system
  • Clean UI design
  • Several supported languages
  • 3D buying system

A special thank to Seth for the banner.

A special thank to Slawer for his help.

1 - Take the toolgun -> insert the NPC model that you want -> put correctly the NPC thanks to the preview -> left click to create the NPC

2 - Take the toolgun to create the area -> Right click to place points that will create the chosen area -> Then press R to create the area

3 - To create the item, take the toolgun -> Then place it with the menu in the up right corner -> Then left click and full fill the informations

  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. Configure this addon at slownls_market/lua/slownls_market/shared/config.lua
  3. Restart your server

If you want to translate the addon in another language unvailable just send me the content below translated and you'll get a -50% coupon. It must be in your primary language.

local LANGUAGE = {
    press_r_to_add_to_cart = "Press USE to add it in your cart",
    nameInvalid = "Invalid name",
    modelInvalid = "Invalid model",
    classInvalid = "Invalid class",
    typeInvalid = "Invalid entity type",
    nameAlreadyTaken = "This name is already taken",
    dontLookNPC = "You must look at an NPC",
    save = "Save",
    cart = "Cart",
    model = "Model",
    price = "Price",
    delete = "Delete",
    edit = "Edit",
    buy = "Buy",
    not_enough_money = "You don't have enough money",
    purchase_made = "Purchase made",
    crate = "Crate",
    amount = "Amount",
    spawn = "Take out",

    total_price = "This will make a total of %s dollars",
    cart_empty = "Your cart is empty",

    item_added = "Item successfuly added",
    item_modified = "Item successfuly edited",
    item_deleted = "Item successfuly deleted",
    item_not_exist = "This item doesn't exist",
    item_reload_to_edit = "Press R to edit",

    invalid_zone = "Invalid zone",
    npc_name_not_exist = "This NPC doesn't exist",
    zone_name_already_taken = "This zone name is already taken",
    zone_added = "Zone successfuly added",
    zone_removed = "Zone successfuly deleted",
    zone_modified = "Zone successfuly edited",
    name_of_entity = "Entity's name",
    class_of_entity = "Entity's class",
    price_of_entity = "Entity's price",
    type_of_entity = "Entity's type",
    energy_of_entity = "Energy given the food",

    config_weapon_reload = "'R' to configure the zone",
    config_weapon_primary = "'LEFT CLICK' to add a point",
    config_weapon_secondary = "'RIGHT CLICK' to delete the last point",
    config_weapon_name_of_zone = "Zone's name",
    config_weapon_name_of_npc = "NPC's name",
    config_weapon_model_of_npc = "NPC's model",

    npc_reload_to_remove = "'R' to delete the NPC",
    npc_added = "NPC successfuly added",
    npc_removed = "NPC successfuly deleted",
    npc_modified = "NPC successfuly edited",

If you have any problem with the addon, you can open a ticket and specify the error (if there is one).

Please be specific in your ticket.

Product reviews

4.40 average based on 5 reviews

Very good addon with potencial
This is a very good addon for a store in your gmod server, but there is not enough features in it like there is not the possibility to move the object horizontally or vertically.
By Vister -
(version 1.0.4)
Good job
This is a good addon, simple to use ! Beautiful derma
By Килиан -
(version 1.0.3)
Lolox [twitch.tv/lolox]
Nice !
This addon is simple to use, and very interesting for players ! Simple, fast, effective ! Really a great job !
By Lolox [twitch.tv/lolox] -
(version 1.0.1)
Very nice
Your addon is beautiful. He adds an RP on our servers that did not exist before. I can only recommend this addon if you have a store / market on your server map
By SlenDerKings -
(version 1.0.0)
Ok Addon
Ok so the addon itself is pretty nice ( havent tested it fully yet but looks pretty good ) the only downfall at the moment is the Description on the entities are under the entities so you cant read them but apart from that its a very good addon
By twitch.tv/Awpmeister2170 -
(version 1.0.0)
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