AWarn3 - Warning System

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In short

AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. Give and track warnings to your players as well as automatically dish out automated punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick modern User Interface! Don't settle for cheap knockoffs, get the original warning system today!

Check out the included collapsibles below for more details and information on AWarn3!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a PM or put in a ticket if you already own AWarn3



  • This returns the total active warning count for the player.


AWarn:SetPlayerActiveWarnings( Player pl , Integer warnings, Boolean shouldWrite )

pl - Player - Player whose warnings you want to set

warnings - Integer - How many active warnings to set on the player.

shouldWrite - Boolean - Save this count to the database

Note: This function will not trigger punishments, only set the active warnings on a player. Mostly used internally.

AWarn:AddActiveWarning( String PlayerID, Integer numAdd )

PlayerID - Player - 64bit Steam ID of Player receiving the Active Warning.

numAdd - Integer - Number of active warnings to add.

Note: This function will trigger punishments after modifying the active warning count on a player. Use this if you want to add warnings and have it trigger a punishment.

AWarn:CreateWarningID( String PlayerID, String AdminID, String WarningReason )

PlayerID - String - 64bit Steam ID of Player receiving the warning

AdminID - String - 64bit Steam ID of Admin doing the warning. nil for CONSOLE

WarningReason - Boolean - Reason for the warning. Can be nil


AWarnPlayerWarned( Player targetply, String adminid, String warningreason ) -- CALLED SERVERSIDE

targetply - Player entity that was warned.

adminid - SteamID64 of the admin who did the warning.

warningreason - The reason provided for the warning.

AWarnPlayerIDWarned( String targetid, String adminid, String warningreason ) --CALLED SERVERSIDE

targetid - SteamID64 of the player that was warned.

adminid - SteamID64 of the admin who did the warning.

warningreason - The reason provided for the warning.

AWarnPunishment( Player pl, String pType ) --CALLED SERVERSIDE

pl - Player Entity of the player that was warned.

pType - Punishment Type that was given to the player.

-- kick, ban, group, command


1. In your database, create a new database for AWarn3. You can call it whatever you like, but remember that AWarn3 IS NOT COMPATIBLE with AWarn2, so use a new database if updating.

2. Make sure you have an SQL user that has read and write access to that database.

3. Go into awarn3/lua/includes/awarn3_sql.lua and edit the connection info at the top.

4. In game, you can open the AWarn3 menu and configure your server's name (for multiple servers).

Please Note: This is as much support for MySQL as I will give (outside of genuine bugs). I provide support for MYSQL as a convenience, but it is up to you to know how to set up your MySQL server and gmod plugin.

Installation is super simple!

  1. unpack and move the awarn3 folder into your addons folder. (same as any addon)
  2. There is a workshop addon included for the graphics/icons and clients should automatically download it. If you want to manually add it to your server's pack, here is the workshop link for the content:

Enabling the Discord Logging:

  1. Open lua/includes/awarn3_discordlogging.lua
  2. Enable the setting to turn it on at the top.
  3. Enter your Discord WebHook address in the appropriate field.
  4. (optional) Upload the included discordrelay.php to your webserver and point to it in the configuration file. You can use mine if you want.

Upgrading from AWarn2:

  1. If you are NOT using MySQL, you can use the included migration tool to migrate your AWarn2 data.
  2. From inside your game (need to be a superadmin) run the command:
  3. awarn3_import
  4. This will prompt you to import your AWarn2 data and tell you how to proceed.
  5. Only run the import ONCE or you may have duplicate data.

I offer support TWO different ways

  1. You can open a support ticket here through gmodstore.
  2. You can get support through my discord.

If you choose to use discord, please do not DM me, just post in the #awarn3-support channel. Also, be prepared to provide your gmodstore profile so I can verify ownership before I provide support.

The following languages are available as part of the download:

English: Provided by Myself

Norwegian: Christoffer

German: Provided by Funny_TV

French: Provided by Jack O Neill

Russian: Provided by ZeK

Turkish: Provided by Mew

Thai: Provided by Kaname

Latin-Spanish: Provided by Tekiad

Polish: Provided by Kyo

Chinese: Provided by

Portugues: Provided by METZY · gmodstore

Brazilian Portuguese: Provided by Razor · gmodstore

If you wish to provide a translation for a language I do not already have, please send me a message!

Here is the English translation file that can be used for making translations for other languages:

Product reviews

4.96 average based on 42 reviews

|TBB| Xer0n_
Must have addon!
Upgraded from awarn2 to awarn3 and needed help updating my existing addons to integrate as they did with awarn2. Dev was extremely helpful and responded quickly, got me fixed up in a few minutes. AWarn3 is a must have addon if you are tired of keeping track of people on a notepad. Worth upgrading from AWarn2 to get the added discord features if you use a relay and performance upgrades!
By |TBB| Xer0n_ -
(version 2.5)
Craig Davidson
Fantastic Addon
One of the best warning systems out there works flawlessly and no major performance drop i recommend Mr president and Awarn massively thank you for all the hard work and servers you have protected
By Craig Davidson -
(version 2.5)
Author's reply
Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that you enjoy AWarn.
By Mr. P -
Excellent addon.
Jamais déçu de l'addon il est 100% modifiable pour nos goûts et pour le thème du serveur. Et il nous permet de faire des préenregistrements de raison de ban ce qui évite à chaque fois d'écrire les raisons les plus récurrente. Je recommande l'addon. 👍
By Fr3ddy45 -
(version 2.4.3)
Author's reply
Thank you for your review. I appreciate your feedback.
By Mr. P -
Warning system is a must have
This warning system is amazing and is really easy to use & setup. Any server who doesn't have this should grab it as soon as possible!
By Clawy111 -
(version 2.3)
The best warning system i never seen in the market
The best warning system i never seen in the market
By Nightly -
(version 2.2.1)
1 of 11
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Version 2.2 Released

by Mr. P

All new major features have been implemented!

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