Easy Skins

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In short

The perfect tool to add skins into your server, players love to customize their favorite weapons. Customize everything, reward donators, group supporters and more! Fully configurable from the in-game menu.

Monetization Options

  • Give exclusive skins for free to donators
  • Make special skins donator only
  • Players can buy your currency points to afford skins
  • Allow donators to access the shop remotely
  • Offer a discount in the shop for donators
  • Organize a raffle/tombola and give out skins to the winner(s)
  • Contest for best skin design, put the skin in the shop
  • Make skins purchasable with a 'special/paid' currency

Community Growth

  • Steam Group members get a discount
  • Players with the server tag in their name get a discount
  • Skins only buyable for members and tag users

Supporting Addons

Easy Skins uses following addons to offer/receive additional functionality.

Administration Tools:

  • FAdmin
  • sAdmin
  • SAM
  • Server Guard
  • ULX
  • XAdmin

Currency Systems:

  • Credit Store
  • DarkRP
  • GlorifiedBanking
  • Pointshop
  • Pointshop2
  • PointshopSH
  • xStore


  • Ballistic Shields
  • Brick's Unboxing 🎲 - Trading, Marketplace, Rewards
  • MAC's Simple NPCs
  • Retro Boombox
  • VoidCases - Unboxing System
  • Weapon Holsters with editor
  • Xenin Battle Pass
  • Xenin Care Package
  • Xenin F4
  • Xenin Inventory
  • Zero´s Vendingmachines

Want support for another addon? Let me know and support will be added!


Easy Skins depends on a currency system if skins are not free (price=0).


Drag and drop in `...\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons\`


Data is not saved in the z_easyskins folder, you can replace all files. Don't forget to re-enter your database credentials when using MySQL.


All content will automatically be downloaded from the workshop.

* Size: 45mb (compressed)


Suggestions for new features & improvements are always welcome.


Find any bugs? Let me know and they will be fixed asap!

Special Thanks

Andi, Xander and the GmodStore staff

  • Menu to create/manage/customize everything
  • Ships with 48 custom materials + 12 game materials
  • Networked Skins (visible for everyone)
  • Persistence Applied Skins (once equipped, forever auto-applied)
  • Shop NPC
  • Skin preview in shop
  • Default Material Blacklist
  • Resolution Proof ( Min: 800x600 )
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Lag Free
  • Automatic Save System
  • Efficiency Focused (FProfiler)
  • Database Support (MySQLOO & TMySQL)
  • UI Sounds
  • Donator/Steam Group/Name Tag Discounts & Exclusive Skins
  • Weapon name changer ('AK74' -> 'AK74 | Dark Matter')
  • Console command for donation systems (Prometheus)
  • Chat commands to open the inventory (!skin, !skins, /skin, /skins)

  • Precaches all weapons
  • Removes the lag when players equip new weapons

  • Base Skin (will replace default materials on weapons)
  • Ability to remove weapon materials from fastDL/workshopDL
  • Drastically reduces downloaded content size
  • Significantly decreases join time

  • Made for ALL Gamemodes

Tested on: Sandbox, DarkRP, TTT, PropHunt, ARP, Starwars RP

Not working on a certain (custom) gamemode? Open a support ticket and support will be added.

  • Supports ALL Weapon Bases

Tested on: M9K, CW, FAS, TFA, ArcCW, ARC9, VAPES, HL2, SWSC, Underhell SWEPs

Not working on that one weapon you love? Open a support ticket and support will be added.

  • Supports a variety of Currency Systems

Tested on: DarkRP, Pointshop, Pointshop2, PointshopSH, CreditStore

Does your server use a custom currency system? Custom Implementations can be made.

The menu can be opened by Superadmins and Menu Admins.

Key: 'F4' (default)

Console: 'easyskins_open'

How does it look: screenshots can be found all the way in the end of the slideshow


  • Keybind

Change the key that opens the inventory.

  • Remote Shop

Allow players to access the shop from anywhere.

  • Shop Model

Change the model of the shop NPC

  • Currency Symbol

Change the currency symbol

  • Steam Group

Set the steam group and the discount for members

  • Name Tag

Set the server tag (ex: [ARP]) and the discount for players using that tag

  • Various
  • Change the sell rate
  • Skin Categories in Shop
  • Enable skin receive notifications
  • Add Skin to Weapon Name
  • Enable networked skins (Worldmodel)

  • Base Skin

Set the default skin that will be applied on all weapons

  • Shop Positions

Add/Remove Shop NPC positions.

Positions are saved per map and can be named.

  • Menu Privileges (Admin Access)

Decide who has Admin Rights to access the menu settings.

  • Donator

Which players/groups/teams/ranks are considered to be donators?

  • Data

Reset all configuration and player data.


Filter all Online/Offline players and Give/Remove skins.

Create Skins

Creating skins is split up into 3 simple steps.

  1. Choose an existing material or add a new one.
  2. Choose the weapons the skin can be bought for.
  3. Skin Settings (name, category, currency, price, donator price, donator only, steam group only, name tag only, purchasable)

The material needs to be of type 'VertexLitGeneric' or it will not show up on the weapons

Manage Skins

Change skins on the fly, all settings can be updated, except the material.

Skins will be organized according to their category.


  • Choose which materials on the weapon model stay unaffected by a skin.
  • Comes with a handy Viewmodel and Worldmodel viewer. ( drag to rotate model, scroll to zoom )
  • Changes will be reflected instantly on the selected weapon.


Weapons can be filtered by name and will list all purchasable skins.

There is a special indication for Animated, lower Donator price and Donator Only skins.

Skin will be previewed on the selected weapon before purchase.


Weapons can be filtered by name and purchased skins can be equipped.

Equipped skins are updated instantly and reflected server wide.

By default, SQLite is being used and data will be saved to '...\GarrysMod\garrysmod\sv.db'

To change the database type, fill out the details in the related file.

The database files can be found at 'z_easyskins_vX\lua\z_easyskins\databases\'

MySQLOO and TMySQL are both supported.

The following settings need to be updated:

  • Host: the address where the database is hosted
  • Username: a db user with rights to create/modify/remove tables
  • Pass: the password of the user
  • Database Name: the name of the database
  • Database Port: the port at which the database can be reached

Example for MySQLOO:

- File: mysqloo.lua

HOST = ""
USERNAME = "dbUser"
PASS = "dbUserPass"
DB_NAME = "s1_darkrp"
DB_PORT = 3306

I would like to connect to an external database, where can I find these files?

MySQLOO: https://github.com/FredyH/MySQLOO#install-instructions


If your gamemode uses a custom system to assign the admin status, then you can override following methods.

function SH_EASYSKINS.HasAccess( ply )
	return -- ply is admin

function SH_EASYSKINS.CanRemoteShop( ply )
	return -- ply can remote shop


If your gamemode uses a custom system to assign the donator status, then you can override following method.

function SH_EASYSKINS.IsDonator( ply )
	return -- ply is donator


Would you like to integrate the GUI into your own menu?

  • Settings: 'p_easyskins_admin_settings'
  • Users: 'p_easyskins_admin_users'
  • Create Skins: 'p_easyskins_admin_create'
  • Manage Skins: 'p_easyskins_admin_manage'
  • Blacklist: 'p_easyskins_admin_blacklist'
  • Shop: 'p_easyskins_shop'
  • Inventory: 'p_easyskins_inventory'

The parent of these panels needs to have the following method.

parent.RefreshCategory = function( self )
	-- refresh/reload the panel

The panels can be created with:

panel = vgui.Create( 'p_name', parent )

GUI Sounds

GUI sounds can be played by calling

CL_EASYSKINS.PlaySound( id )

Valid ids are:

  • 'buy'
  • 'sell'
  • 'deny'
  • 'press'
  • 'equip'


Retrieve all skins

skin: id, dispName, material, category, price, donatorPrice, donatorOnly, steamgroupOnly, nameTagOnly, purchasable, weaponTbl


Retrieve a skin by id

SH_EASYSKINS.GetSkin( id )

Give a skin usable on a table of weapons to a certain player. (player doesn't need to be online)

SV_EASYSKINS.GiveSkinToPlayer( steamID64, skinID, weps )

Purchased Skins

Retrieve all skins a player owns (purchasedSkin: skinID, weaponClass, enabled)

Client Realm: LocalPlayer only

SH_EASYSKINS.GetPurchasedSkins( ply )

Retrieve the enabled purchased skin (if any) for a certain weapon

SH_EASYSKINS.GetEnabledPurchasedSkinByClass( ply, class )

Console Commands

Give weapon skins to a certain player (player can be offline when using steamID64)

easyskins_giveskin < name|steamID64 > < skinName|skinID|skinCategory > < weaponClasses|categories >


  • easyskins_giveskin player1 DarkWave S.T.A.L.K.E.R "[TFA] Star Wars"
  • easyskins_giveskin player1 DarkWave tfa_wunderwaffe tfa_wavegun
  • easyskins_giveskin player2 DarkWave S.T.A.L.K.E.R tfa_wunderwaffe
  • easyskins_giveskin player3 DonatorSkins HL2

Custom Currencies

You can define your own shop system currency, using the code below

Place file in 'z_easyskins_vX\lua\z_easyskins\shopsystems'

local customShopSystem = {}
customShopSystem.name = "display name"
customShopSystem.priority = 10 -- higher is better
function customShopSystem.GetPoints(ply)
	return <points>

if SERVER then

  function customShopSystem.TakePoints(ply,amount)
    -- take points
  function customShopSystem.GivePoints(ply,amount)
    -- add points
return customShopSystem

Missing Info

Missing some information? Open a support ticket and I will update this page.

Product reviews

4.86 average based on 34 reviews

Don't work on DarkRP!!
There were quite a few servers where I tried to install it, but it always didn’t work and the menu became gray.
By NanaFures -
(version 1.6.0)
Author's reply
How strange, sounds like you did not install it correctly, make sure all content is there and you have no console errors. Some of the biggest DarkRP servers are using this without any issues. :D
By Zombie Extinguisher -
Mom Bon 🧡
Stunning Addon
I love it, my server loves it, that's all there is to it. Thank you for this superb addon!!! This is a must-have for any server owner wanting to expand their weapon skins with freedom without having to rely on decent weapon skins from the steam workshop. The skins that come with this addon are simply, stunning.
By Mom Bon 🧡 -
(version 1.4.8)
Excellent Addon - Great Support
This is an excellent addon that brings in an entire new dynamic to any server. The support received has always been excellent and the creator is fast at responding and looking into my issues. Very straight forward in game configuration. Great work, can't wait to see what comes from future updates!
(version 1.4.6)
Fantastic addon!
I have been using Easy Skins on my servers for a while now, and all the players love it! This addon is amazing.
By Woosh -
(version 1.4.3)
Very very very good addon!
Simply brilliant, the idea of ​​adding skins to a weapon is genius. COD does it, so why not Gmod? Well played I have nothing to say ;) I Recommend!
By Rayzox57 -
(version 1.4.2)
1 of 8
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.

New Skin 'Chrome'

by Zombie Extinguisher

Show off with the new Chrome skin!

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