xWhitelist | Advanced Job Whitelisting

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Job Whitelists
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In short

xWhitelist is a modern, user-friendly job whitelisting system designed to bring the ability to easily whitelist and blacklist users to and from jobs with ease, supporting a range of whitelist types and different admin mods to bring the best and easiest experience for you and your admins.

Full job whitelisting system

No longer need to manually modify DarkRP customChecks or tediously add specific users to jobs - xWhitelist can handle all of this for you

Ability to add blacklist counterparts for all available whitelisting types

A range of default whitelist types

Player whitelists (by SteamID or selecting a registered / online player in the "Players" tab)


Permission nodes (supports xAdmin (1 & 2), ULX, FAdmin and all CAMI-compliant admin mods)

Time played (supports xAdmin and UTime time tracking)

Timeouts on all player whitelists and blacklists

Easily add a whitelist or blacklist which will be automatically removed after a certain number of days

Notifications for users when they have been whitelisted or blacklisted

Configure who can access features of xWhitelist directly from your favourite admin mod

Supports xAdmin (1 & 2), ULX, FAdmin and all CAMI-compliant admin mods

Using an unsupported admin mod? Create a ticket and I can add support for it!

Easy setup and configuration

All whitelists and blacklists easily configurable from ingame

Simple user interface

Easily access and use almost every feature of xWhitelist directly from the menu

MySQL / SQLite support

Modular support for commands and additions

Easy to use API for developers and server owners

See "adding whitelist types" tab for details

The only extra content required for xWhitelist to work once you have installed by simply extracting the download and dragging the xwhitelist and xlib folders into your addons directory is the workshop content with the required textures required, which can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1993206966

  1. Extract the downloaded .zip file
  2. Drag the two files extracted, xwhitelist and xlib to your server, in the /garrysmod/addons directory
  3. (Optional) Configure MySQL in xlib/lua/xlib/config/sv_config.lua
  4. (Optional) Configure to your liking in xwhitelist/lua/xwhitelist/config/sh_config.lua (you can also do this later ingame)
  5. Restart your server
  6. Connect to your server and configure xWhitelist permissions via the admin mod of your choosing

Adding custom whitelist types to xWhitelist is very simple to do via some shared lua, using the following function:

xWhitelist.RegisterWhitelistType(name, failmsgwhite, failmsgblack, func)

Where the parameters are as follows:

  • name - String - the display name of the whitelist type (should be unique)
  • failmsgwhite - String - the fail message when trying to change to this job (for non-whitelisted users) - one format parameter for the required value
  • failmsgblack - String - the fail message when trying to change to this job (for blacklisted users) - one format parameter for the required value
  • func - Function (return boolean, takes parameters Player and required value) - the function to check if the user passes the check for this whitelist

Whilst also providing the same base functionality as from bLogs and not having DRM on top of it, xWhitelist doesn't require additional lua to be input for more types of whitelists than simply "usergroups" or "players/steamids".

xWhitelist has an API which allows for the easy addition of new whitelist types, with some included by default and more which can very easily be added at request of potential or existing customers, preventing the need to use a custom lua function whitelist type for each job when wanting to do more complicated whitelist types such as whitelisting by time played (supported by xWhitelist by default with UTime and xAdmin 2 playtime).

xWhitelist also has a "timeout" field for player whitelists, meaning that you can add a player to a whitelist very easily without needing to then remove it manually if you want it to expire after a certain amount of time. The timeout field (in days) will automatically remove the whitelist once the period of time input has elapsed.

xWhitelist uses Three's Derma Library, a Derma Library created by Threebow (https://github.com/Threebow/tdlib) and Three's Grid (https://github.com/Threebow/better-derma-grid/blob/master/threegrid.lua)

Feel free to make any changes and modifications as you wish (even with modifications, this does not make you free to redistribute the addon), however if you break it, then it may be difficult to provide support.

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