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In short
Reporter is a complete Reporting Package for your server. It will work with any gamemode, and comes bundled with an array of features to keep you and your players happy. While also keeping you Staff team organised.
Reporter is a complete Reporting Package for your server. It will work with any gamemode, and comes bundled with an array of features to keep you and your players happy. While also keeping you Staff team organised.
Report System
- Full in-game report system which users can use to submit a report. This system includes priorities, which Staff Members can see.
- Staff Statistics, ranging from day to Lifetime.
- Full Ticket System which Staff Members can easily use to help the flow of your server's reports.
- Staff Leaderboards which shows reputation, how many tickets completed per day and lifetime.
- Quick Server Actions which allow certain Staff Members to preform announcements, refunds, and more.
- Personal settings that your Staff Members can use: ESP, Staff Overview and God Mode when they spawn in.
- Staff Reputation System with weight, users can review Staff Members after a sit has been concluded.
Report Sphere
- Report Sphere that makes your user and Staff have their own little area to conduct a sit.
- The user can not: Kill themselves, spawn props, take damage, change jobs, or hear people outside of their sphere.
- Quick overview of the current sit, allowing for warns, freezing, gagging and muting all in one convenient place on the screen.
- Create your own buttons to use inside of a sit. (Control what your Staff Members can do)
- Users inside the sphere can see out of a sphere, but users outside can not see in.
Warning System
- Users can see their own warnings quickly through a separate menu.
- Staff Members can view warning logs, when, who and why someone has been warned (even if they've expired)
- !warn <name> <reason> with defaulted times set in the configuration file.
- Warn users directly through the interface, on when a sit is taking place.
- Warn offline users, or online users easily through the player management tab.
- View expired and active warnings for a specific user, as well as being able to reset all/some of their warning data.
- Warnings run off of time, regardless of if the playeris connected to the server or not.
- Set your own actions to be called at specific warning thresholds: 3 = kick, 5 = ban (1 hour) 7 = ban (24 hours) etc.
Place into your addons folder, extract the .zip and restart your server.
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