🎰 pCasino - The perfect casino addon (Roulette, Blackjack, Slots, Prize Wheel)

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In short

A complete casino script with 100% custom models, easy to use systems, and an easy to use in-game entity creation tool. pCasino attempts to provide a high-quality all in one alternative to the standalone scripts already on the market.

After a very long hiatus of over 2 years, we return with another addon that we hope will satisfy you just as much as pVault did. With over 6 months of development and more than 20 unique models, we present pCasino. A complete casino script with 100% custom models, easy to use systems, and an easy to use in-game entity creation tool. pCasino attempts to provide a high-quality all in one alternative to the standalone scripts already on the market. Currently including:

  • Blackjack
  • Roulette
  • Basic Slot Machine
  • "Money Wheel" Style Slot Machine
  • Mystery Wheel
  • Seats
  • Collection of Customizable Signs
  • Custom NPCs
  • In-game Entity Creator
  • Make machines/boards on the fly with the in-game tool, allowing you to configure each game to your exact liking.
  • Blackjack
  • A complete remake of the classic casino game Blackjack. Complete with 4 actions: Hit, Stand, Double Down and Split. This creates for a tense game against the house with up to 4 players on 1 table.
  • Custom gmod themed playing cards for the full premium experience.
  • Roulette
  • Supporting many roulette bets, including Single, Split, Street, Corner, and much more.
  • Easy to follow user interface to keep your player engaged.
  • Basic Slot Machine
  • An engaging experience to keep players hooked on pulling that lever.
  • Custom combo creations, easy to set win rates and a nice jackpot to aim for.
  • Wheel Prize Slot Machine
  • Allow users to win spins on the mini mystery wheel, winning all sorts of prizes.
  • Easy to use config for setting wheel prizes, combos and win rates.
  • Some default prize options include: Money, Weapons, Health, Armor, Suicide, Pointshop 1, Pointshop 2, SH Pointshop, William's Car Dealer, Fresh Car Dealer, Brick Wall's Essentials, much more.
  • Mystery Wheel
  • The ultimate prize with players grinding for just 1 more spin.
  • An extensive reward list that's easy to configure.
  • Some default prize options include: Money, Weapons, Health, Armor, Suicide, Pointshop 1, Pointshop 2, SH Pointshop, William's Car Dealer, Fresh Car Dealer, Brick Wall's Essentials, much more.
  • Prize Plinth
  • Showcase what users could win with a prize plinth.
  • Seats
  • Take the immersion just that little step further with fully working seats for users to use while playing in the casino.
  • Customizable Signs
  • A collection of sings that can be customised just to your liking.
  • Including both interior and exterior signs
  • NPCs
  • NPCs with a suite of custom models to match your casino, allowing them to say whatever you prompt them to.
  • No fuss experience
  • All the games are designed to be fast pace and easy going, allowing for a relaxed and enjoyed experience
  • Migration
  • Ability to migrate Casino Kit chips back in to money (See Commands & Other).

Once you have purchased the addon, you are ready to now install and configure it.

  1. Download the addon from gmodstore.
  2. Extract the addon and place it inside the addons folder
  3. Navigate to pcasino/lua/perfectcasino/config/
  4. Open sh_config.lua. Inside that file, give whatever permissions you desire.
  5. If you wish to translate the script, open sh_translate.lua and edit the text to translate to your chosen language.
  6. Next make sure that the content pack in mounted onto your server. Either through a collection or manually uploaded.
  7. Once you have configured the pre-config to your liking, start your server.
  8. Connect to your server and open the tool pCasino -> Entity Creation.
  9. From there you should be able to create all the entities by right clicking to bring up the config menu.

The One Free-Man - Made all of the models, stand up guy and deserves the world. Honestly the best modeller on gmod, contact him for your commission work.

Ben - As always, being a huge babe with feedback, ideas and bugs. A true gem and a great friend

Livaco- Feedback and testing

Legend, MilkGames, Tomsci, Chungus - Consistent feedback and bug testing. Actors in the cinematic trailer

Tomsci - Media

Beta Testers (In no particular order)

TMonkeyT - Jungle Servers

Dramaax - Dramaax

x2lift - Kings Gaming

Lucky Luciano - Glades Network

Slasher - Fade Roleplay

Miskie - Exhibition Roleplay

  • Running the console command pcasino_remove_ent while looking at an entity will remove the entity (Simulates pressing R with the tool gun)
  • Running the console command pcasino_update_pos will update the position of all the pCasino entities on the map.
  • Running the console command pcasino_migration_casinokit will convert all Casino Kit chips back into DarkRP money. There is further information when running the command.
  • Running the console command pcasino_clone. while looking at a pCasino entity, it will clone it onto your pCasino Entity Creation toolgun. From there you can place copies of it down or right click to open the menu and find the entities settings pre-input into the menu. This allows you to easily adjust entities and replace them.
  • The content pack can be found here.
  • If you wish to reupload the icons, you can find them here.
  • Documentation for hooks and functions can be found here.
  • An example of setting up a Casino Manager can be found here.
  • You can find a geoblocker and age confirmation extension here.
Product reviews

4.57 average based on 27 reviews

Très bon addon, mais quelques limites à corriger
pCasino est un excellent addon pour ajouter des jeux de casino comme la roulette, le blackjack, et bien sûr la roue de la fortune sur votre serveur. Les fonctionnalités sont immersives et apportent une vraie valeur ajoutée à l'expérience des joueurs. Cependant, il y a quelques limites : Si vous placez une entité (par exemple, la roue de la fortune), il est impossible de revenir sur sa configuration une fois posée, ce qui peut être frustrant en cas d’erreur. Si vous souhaitez réinitialiser une entité ou corriger des problèmes, vous devez manuellement supprimer les données liées dans le dossier de l’addon, ce qui n’est pas très intuitif. Malgré ces petits défauts, l'addon reste très bien conçu et fonctionne parfaitement. Avec un peu plus de flexibilité dans la gestion des entités, ce serait parfait ! TLDR : Addon solide et immersif, idéal pour les serveurs RP, mais quelques contraintes techniques à corriger pour les entités.
By ptibrack -
(version 1.0.32)
Author's reply
If you look at an entity with the toolgun out and run the console command “pcasino_clone” it will copy the settings into your menu.
By Owain -
Amazing Addon
I love this addon, I've used it for a while and I'm still impressed. It's well made and not buggy at all!
This product was received for free
By YoWaitAMinute -
(version 1.0.32)
Need help
I've used this addon in the past, and am unsure if this is due to a new update, but I am unable to remove pcasino entities using R or the console command "pcasino_remove_ent".
By Swift -
(version 1.0.32)
Author's reply
This is because of your prop protections configuration settings. If you open a support ticket we can help you configure it correctly.
By Owain -
Bien, mais impossible de supprimer
Bien, mais il est impossible de supprimer des entités
By Liwers -
(version 1.0.32)
Le meilleur script de casino.
Configurable à souhait j'le recommande, y'a beaucoup de variété dans les jeux proposé et l'addon et mis à jour régulièrement.
By Ananace -
(version 1.0.32)
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