🚨 911 Emergency Response - Realistic Policeman Job & Services Call (+bLogs)

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In short

A wonderful and realistic addon to contact the 911 emergency service, with a lot of features and a nice interface. This addon is essential to play on a RP server in realism.

This addon has been created with great clarity and rigor, it is very intuitive and has a very nice interface, and also a lot of dispatch sounds to improve the realism, when you receive a callout, the dispatch speaks and give you some informations to make you the real job of policeman, medic or also firefighter.

If you are satisfied about my addon, don't hesitate to post a review, that would help me a lot!

911 Emergency Response will help you to improve the realism of your server, your players will be able to contact the 911 by a phone and they will be redirected to the chosen service. (Law Enforcement, Medical Services, Firefighters..)

Theses services will receive callouts, from civilians to intervene as quickly as possible.

The 911 Emergency Response include a panic-button module, a realistic walkie-talkie and a large number of other features that you can discover in the "Features" tab. This script was also made to help you to improve the realism of your police officers.

If they are in life-threatening they can press their panic-button !

If they want a law enforcement backup they can use their radio and select the law enforcement service, as well to the medical services, fire brigade and moreover the jobs that you can add in the configuration file !

Support / Addons Integrations

Dial Emergency Services (911)

The main feature of the 911 Emergency Response, is first of all a module to contact the emergency services.

Write "/911" in the chat and a phone will appears at the bottom of your screen. And after 7seconds, a menu will appears and ask you to select the service, then another menu to write the reason of your call !

When you'll send your call, the emergency responders will receive a callout with your name, your position (gps), the reason and some additional other features.

Realistic Walkie-Talkie (In a Vehicle)

911 Emergency Response include a dashboard computer, press F7 to open it. (can be modify in the configuration file)

A menu will move at your top-left screen.

You will be able to choose a backup service or a service like :

  • Medical Services
  • Fire Department
  • Breakdown Services and also repairman

You can add your own services in the configuration file.

And you have two buttons on the bottom, the first is the Vehicle Tools Menu, you will be able to :

  • Identify the front vehicle.
  • Alert all available police patrols that you are chasing a vehicle.
  • Request a search notice and delete it.
  • Request a search warrant.

The second button is a panic-button.

Realistic Walkie-Talkie (On Foot)

911 Emergency Response include a beautiful model of a walkie-talkie. Your policemen will be able to request :

  • All your law enforcement services in an objective of a backup.
  • Medical services and firebrigade.

Indeed you can call this services, but you can delete this jobs or add jobs that you want in the config file !

Realistic Panic-Button

I'm fan of the police and sheriff department structure in the USA, and I wanted to create the same features, like the panic-button.

When a policeman is in life-threatening in several situations in particular with guns : Random guy with a firearm, shotfired, bombing attempt, etc.. So, I add a panic-button module.

To start panic-button:

  • On foot : Take in your hands the Emergency Radio -> Press F6 (default key config) -> A menu appears to ask you if you are sure -> F6 again and the panic-button was launched.
  • In vehicle : Press F7 - Click the button "Panic-Button" on the bottom of the menu.

When you pressed the panic-button, all your law enforcement services will recept an alert callout message, with a sound of a police officer in the USA who started panic-button, he is yelling : "shotfired" and we can listen to a lot of guns fire.

GPS System

To guide the way forward when your players will recept a callout, I created a gps system. When a player made an emergency call his position is store and the emergency responders have an icon of their service positioned at the player's recorded position. With different positions status : Near / Distant / Veryfar compared to yours.

Sounds Pack

To improve the realism during the emergency responders, there is a lot of sounds, when you :

  • Call the 911.
  • Recept a callout.
  • Claim and Close a callout.
  • Recept a panicbutton callout.
  • Scroll the walkie-talkie buttons.

Scaled User Interfaces

All the menus and interfaces are scaled to all your players dimensions screens.


Currently translated in English / French / Russian / Chinese / Spanish / German

Get a -20% coupon-code and be thanked in credits by translating the script into your language !

File : https://pastebin.com/2SwDcum2

Follow this tutorial to install correctly 911 Emergency Response !

Requirements :

Tutorial :

  1. Unpack the 911emergencyresponse.zip archive.
  2. Select the folder and put it in your server addons folder.
  3. Download by the workshop, the content pack : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1930337850

Yes it's too simple, now you can edit the "sh_config.lua" file.

Click me to see the config file !

In the configuration file you can modify in any way you want.

A lot of features can be modified. For example, you can choose if you want to write something to alert a vehicle chase or just click the button!

Go to the path : 911emergencyresponse/lua/emergencyresponse/sh_config.lua

On the one hand you can config the materials/colors/sounds. And on the other hand all the general config, like the jobs/commands/keypress/etc..

Download Link

You must download it to see correctly all the materials and models included in the script. (Walkie-Talkie models, icons, phone material, etc..) otherwise you will have some errors models and also black & purples textures.

If you have a question, a problem or other : Don't wait a second, and send me a support ticket.

I promise to answer your questions quickly.

If I am online, I'll answer u in less than thirty minutes.

Thanks to Alexender Ivanov for the translation into Russian!

Thanks to Aevoa / RandomGermanDude and Mr_Nebel for the translation into German!

Thanks to Mulven for the translation into Polish!

Thanks to Wolflix for the translation into Turkish!

Product reviews

4.88 average based on 29 reviews

France Roleplay
Addon inutilisable, ne fonctionne plus du tout
Cet addon était autrefois prometteur, mais aujourd'hui, il est complètement inutilisable. Rien ne fonctionne correctement, les appels d'urgence ne s'affichent pas, les interactions sont buggées, et il semble que le support de l'addon soit totalement abandonné. En plus, aucune compatibilité récente avec les mises à jour de Garry's Mod ou des autres addons comme bLogs. C'est une perte de temps et d'argent. Passez votre chemin. 🚫
By France Roleplay -
(version 1.5.4)
Addon très complet
Un addon superbe, un développeur sérieux. Cet addon donnera plus de réalisme à votre serveur !
By Sasha7730 -
(version 1.5.4)
Really recommend having this add-on. To your server.
If you are hosting a dark RP server for city. I would recommend this add on. as it is really great to your server. It gives the people more options to do more jobs. I would also recommend getting the DLC's as well. They work really great. Just simply follow the instructions and everything will work fine. Responds to tickets really quick as well.
By BradleyJohnsonTV -
(version 1.5.4)
DLC, Support & Lack-Luster Configuration
If you don't have a fire brigade or you have a different emergency addon (and you would like to remove the categories for them), then you're out of luck. Why you can't just get rid of useless categories is beyond me, not every server has a Fire Brigade. Also, if you buy the DLC, you won't get the custom UI. You will only get that in a UK themed phone box, and not even the /911 command itself. (??) When asking the script owner about all of this in a ticket he essentially gave me a 'no', and then locked ticket immediately after, not giving me any time to respond (I had to make another ticket). If he decides to fix these issues I'll put the review to 5 stars.
By avaster -
(version 1.5.3)
Just perfect
I love this addon no bug all work perfectly I think it's just missing voice radios but we can have with the DLC
By a.louchet.g -
(version 1.5.1)
1 of 7
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911ER - DLC V2 is now available!

by Fleodon

The first DLC of 911 Emergency Response is now available!

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Fleodon's Studios
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Russian, English, German, Polish, Turkish, French, Chinese, Spanish
None specified
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🚨 911 Emergency Response - V2 DLC | Radio-Bodycams-TelephoneBox & More
🚨 911 Emergency Response - V2 DLC | Radio-Bodycams-TelephoneBox & More
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