If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
I'm thinking of buying it depending on whether APhone support will come. It looks very good.

bonjour, kkun peut il me renseigner de comment on a le boutton derriere l'ambulance pour faire spawn le lit ? merci d'avance

Does this make the player a ragdoll on death and you can put them in the ambulance

soon don't worry

so when comes the dlc? You said like like 2 months ago it just need to be reviewed by gmodstore^^

J'utilise cet addons pour un HL² eheh, c'est vraiment top ça change et me démarque des autres serveurs.
La légende raconte que je suis l'un des premiers acheteurs aussi issou !
En tout cas merci Fleodon, c'est top, j'attend avec impatience le DLC ♥

whats the integration with S phone ?

Un français fait l'un des plus beau addon.
Tu représente la France MDR

They are the language "French" ?
If you need, I can translate this addon.
I'm Frensh People ;)


nice update!

its giving me a ton of errors and I don't really know why

i see that sphone updated and has support for your we need to wait for an update on your side?

Can it be configured to deactivate the panic button and other functions? that is, to be able to use only the GPS system for police / doctors etc.?

Does this support Nutscript?