⚠️ Warning System | Manage your server much better

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In short

Here is the most advanced and complete warning addon for your Garry's Mod server! It allows you and your administrators to better manage your server! Don't waste time for these things, the warning system makes everything much easier for you!

With this addon, you'll get the most advanced and the most complete warning system.

Our system includes many features that others don't such as:

  • Statistics
  • Context Menu Admin Action
  • Penalty Points System Based
  • Player's Note
  • Expiration Date
  • Preset Reasons
  • Lot of thresholds types

Full In-Game Configuration

Penalty Points System Based

Complete Thresholds

Fully Customizable Theme

Complete Permissions System

Warning Presets

Advanced Warnings

Player's Note

Multi-gamemode support

Warn a Player and Remove a Warn

Custom Notifications

Context Menu Admin Action

Clean User Interfaces

View Offline Players' Warnings

Search for a Player

Discord Webhooks Compatibility

Billy's Logs Compatibility

Notification when a Player Joins the Server for Administrators

Factory Reset (server console command)

Advanced Time Format

And much more...

Our system is based on penalty points. As an example, a player is warned for something serious, the warning may be 5 penalty points, next time, that same player is warned for something less serious, the warning may be 1 penalty point. So, with that system, you can really know how that player respects you server rules. Each warning has a different value.

Thanks to our system, when you have to set a duration, you can use:

  • 1y (1 year)
  • 1mo (1 month)
  • 1d (1 day)
  • 1h (1 hours)
  • 1m (1 minute)
  • 1s (1 second)

You can of course use several at once : "3y 2mo 8d 5h"...

Any allowed administrator (permissions) can view/update the note of a player (users cannot see it). This note will help your administrators to know if another administrator wants them to know something such as "Disrespectful player" or "Next time he doesn't respect rules, warn him".

As an administrator, when you right click on a player while your context menu is opened, there is an option Warning System that allows you to:

  • Warn this player
  • Use a Preset Reason
  • Custom Warning
  • See Penalty Points, Active Warnings and Total Warnings of this player
  • View More (opens the menu of this player)

To make your administrators way more efficient, you can define preset reasons with:

  • Reason
  • Duration
  • Penalty Points

These preset reasons will be used in only a single click, with that your administrators will be way faster in their job.

Every warning may have an expiration date (or never if you want). Those expired warnings will not be counted in the penalty points of a player. However, the expired warnings will still be visible after their expiration date.

Based on the penalty points of a player, you can set as much thresholds as you want, they can be a kick, a ban, a chat mute, a money removal (DarkRP), a jail (those are included by default), but you can make your own thresholds. When a player will reach the penalty points set for a threshold, the threshold will be applied.

Our statistics system will help you to know how your community is going. You'll know, each month warnings, last warned players, most warned players, administrators that warn more, but also how many penalty points there are in the server, how many warnings are active and how many warnings have been set.

Our permissions system include (superadmin are allowed to all of these):

  • Can Warn a Player
  • Can Remove a Warning
  • Can View Other Players Warnings
  • Can View Player's Note
  • Can Update Player's Note
  • Can Edit Settings
  • Can View Statistics

If you're using AWarn3 and you want to import the warnings you had in it, you can just do warning_system_import_awarn3 in your server console and everything will be imported in Warning System.

If you want to factory reset, you can use the following console commands (from server console). As an example:

  • To reset warnings warning_system_reset warnings
  • To reset configuration: warning_system_reset configuration
  • To reset player's notes: warning_system_reset notes
  • To reset everything: warning_system_reset ⚠️ THIS WILL DO THE SAME AS EXECUTING THE 3 ABOVE

  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons
  2. Restart your server
  3. Configure it in-game!

If you want to use MySQL instead of SQLite (by default), take a look at lua/warning_system/server/sql.lua.

If you want to use Discord Logging, just install https://github.com/timschumi/gmod-chttp, set the webhook URL in-game and that's all.

If you want to translate the addon in another language unavailable just send me the content below translated. It must be in your primary language.

WarningSystem7452em.Lang["en"] = {
	tabs = {
		my_warnings = "My Warnings",
		offline_players = "Offline Players",
		online_players = "Online Players",
		settings = "Settings",
		statistics = "Statistics",

	settings_tabs = {
		preset_reasons = "Preset Reasons",
		thresholds = "Thresholds",
		permissions = "Permissions",
		theme = "Theme",
		other = "Other",

		add_this_reason = "Add this reason",
		penalty_points_to_reach = "Penalty points to reach",
		add_this_threshold = "Add this threshold",
		save_those_permissions = "Save those permissions",
		save_this_theme = "Save this theme for everyone",
		save_this_config = "Save this configuration",

	webhooks = {
		new_warning = "New Warning",
		warning_removed = "Warning Removed",

		user = "User",
		admin = "Administrator",
		more_info = "More Information",

	errors = {
		no_access = "You do not have access to this",
		reason_too_short = "Reason too short",
		reason_too_long = "Reason too long",
		invalid_key = "Invalid key",

	notifs = {
		success = "Success",
		error = "Error",
		warning = "Warning",

	youve_been_warned = "You have been warned",
	player_been_warned = "The player has been warned successfully",
	player_been_unwarned = "The player has been unwarned successfully",

	settings_updated = "Settings updated",

	awarn_imported = "Warnings from AWarn3 imported!",

	by = "By",
	reason = "Reason",
	penalty = "Penalty",
	date = "Date",
	expiration = "Expiration",
	duration = "Duration",
	preset = "Preset",

	none = "None",

	warn = "Warn",

	custom_warning = "Custom Warning",

	penalty_points = "Penalty Points",

	warn_this_player = "Warn this player",

	search_player_sid64 = "Search for a player by its SteamID x64 (7656...)",
	search_player = "Search for a player...",

	x_displayed = "%i displayed",
	x_online_players = "%i Online Players",

	total_warnings = "Total Warnings",
	total_penalty_points = "Total Penalty Points",
	monthly_warnings = "Monthly Warnings",
	last_warnings = "Last Warnings",
	most_warned = "Most Warned",
	staff_leaderboard = "Staff Leaderboard",
	active_warnings = "Active Warnings",

	view_more = "View More",

	joins_with_x = "%s joins the server with %s warnings",

	set_api_key = "You must set a Steam API key",

	months = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}
Product reviews

5.00 average based on 8 reviews

Finally an add-on with an ultra pleasant interface!
This addon has one of the most beautiful UI I've seen (in the area of ​​warns) it's nice to see work on this side! Very user-friendly, your staff will finally enjoy opening this menu x) I recommend!
By Rayzox57 -
(version 1.0.6)
Great system
Excellent warn system. Does exactly what I need it to. Have been using it for over a year on my Clone Wars server. I have ONE request however, it would be really great to see a text printed in the chat globally when someone has been warned, example: "[WARNING] OBEY has been warned by an admin for reason: RDM" If this could be added - HAPPY DAYS. if not. i will find a way to incorporate it myself. Just thought this feedback would be useful for you and others
(version 1.0.4)
Excellent addon. I used AWarn3 for quite a while until I stumbled upon this beauty. Being able to set presets and thresholds making it where no two punishments are treated the same, has really helped our server a lot. Two excellent developers came together to make something amazing. Gotta love it :D
By Masco -
(version 1.0.4)
[ML] Julien Agather
Juste Magnifique !
L'addons est très propre visuellement même si quelques trucs me repousse honnêtement prise en charge de l'Awarn3 pour le transfert je n'est rien à dire de plus que BRAVO !
By [ML] Julien Agather -
(version 1.0.4)
Très très bien!
Cet addon est tout simplement génial, la personnalisation est superbe ainsi que le menu : le GUI est super beau ! Beau taff les gars ;)
By Jason -
(version 1.0.4)
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