👨‍⚖️ Slawer - Mayor | Make your server great again

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Give to the players of your DarkRP server the opportunity to play a job that is not used as much as it could be!

Looking for a good and complete elections system? Check out 🗳️ Slawer - Elections and the compatibility with it

Thanks to the several features (explained below), your mayor will be really useful, everything is very easy to use with the computer. Also, the new board that the addon contains is optimized and has a scrolling system (where the DarkRP just displays the laws out of the board). The wanted screen also adds realism and gameplay to your server.

The addon is working with a custom funds system, representing the funds of the city. Those can be used to buy upgrades, give bonus to policemen, etc... Those funds are stored in a safe which can also be robbed. Funds are mainly managed by the mayor.

The most important feature of the addon, is the computer dedicated to the mayor. Thanks to it, the mayor is able to manage all the city! There are many categories of actions listed below.

  • Upgrades: Allows you to buy many upgrades (configurable), they can upgrade the salary of the policemen, their equipments, their bulletproof vest, the max storage for the city funds...
  • Taxes: Allows you to set a tax for each job. All earnings are put in the city funds.
  • Gun Licenses: Allows you to manage who has a gun a license (or not), by granting or revoking one.
  • Laws: Allows you to add or remove a law easily that will also be displayed in the city board.
  • Policemen: Allows you to give bonuses or to fire any policeman.
  • Warrants: Allows you to warrant or unwarrant anyone
  • Wanted: Allows you to make wanted or unwanted anyone
  • Message: Allows you to display a message on the wanted screens in the city.
  • Lockdown: Allows you to enable or disable a lockdown in the city.

The DarkRP default laws board is replaced by a fully custom city board, showing many more information. The new one is more optimized and improved. It shows the name of the mayor, the funds of the city, the number of current wanted, the average tax and the laws (with a scrolling system, where the darkrp just displays out of the board).

Another important feature is the wanted screen, it shows the wanted persons (name, model, reason) to add more realism in your server and let everyone know who is wanted. The wanted screen can also be used by the mayor to display a message that everyone will be able to see.

To add more gameplay, a city hall safe can be placed somewhere. It's the place where the funds of the city are stored. The mayor is able to withdraw and deposit funds thanks to the safe. The safe can also be lockpicked (making alarm sound) and the money inside can be stolen by someone. Its size is configurable!

  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. Configure this addon at slawer_mayor/lua/slawer_mayor/configuration.lua
  3. Restart your server

Do not forget to put mayor = true, in the creation code of your mayor job.

Also, add your mayor team as civil protection in your jobs.lua file (with your civil protection jobs)

If you want to remove the 3 default laws, go to darkrpmodification/lua/darkrp_config/settings.lua and find GM.Config.DefaultLaws

If you want to translate the addon in another language unavailable just send me the content below translated. It must be in your primary language.

Slawer.Mayor.Lang["en"] = {
  ["NoAccess"] = "You do not have access to that!",
  ["AnErrorHasOccured"] = "An error has occured, please try again!",
  ["PleaseWait"] = "You must wait before doing that!",
  ["TaxsRecentlyUpdated"] = "Taxes have already been changed recently, wait %i second(s)",
  ["UpgradesAlreadyMax"] = "This upgrade has already reached its peak!",
  ["NotEnoughFunds"] = "There aren't the necessary funds!",
  ["NotAllowedBonus"] = "The bonus must be between %s and %s!",
  ["WaitUntilNextBonus"] = "You must wait %i second(s) before sending a new bonus!",
  ["WaitUntilNextKick"] = "You must wait %i second(s) before firing again!",
  ["WaitUntilNextLicense"] = "You must wait %i second(s) before granting or revoking a license!",
  ["WaitUntilNextNews"] = "You must wait %i second(s) before changing the message!",
  ["WaitUntilNextWithdraw"] = "You must wait %i second(s) before removing/depositing again!",
  ["CantDepositThatMuch"] = "You can't deposit as much!",
  ["TaxSuccessfullyUpdated"] = "Taxes have been successfully updated!",
  ["SalaryReceived"] = "You have received your salary of %s (tax of %i%%)",
  ["UpgradeSuccessfullyBought"] = "You have successfully purchased this upgrade!",
  ["BonusSuccessfullyGiven"] = "The bonus has been sent!",
  ["CPSuccessfullyFired"] = "The firing has been carried out!",
  ["YouveBeenFired"] = "You've been fired!",
  ["LicenseSucessfullyUpdated"] = "The weapons license has been updated to this citizen!",
  ["NewsSuccessfullyChanged"] = "The message has been changed!",
  ["SuccessfullyWithdrew"] = "You have successfully withdrawn funds!",
  ["SuccessfullyDeposited"] = "You have successfully deposited funds!",
  ["CityManagement"] = "City Management",
  ["Laws"] = "Laws",
  ["Taxs"] = "Taxes",
  ["Funds"] = "Funds",
  ["Licenses"] = "Licenses",
  ["Policemen"] = "Policemen",
  ["Warrants"] = "Warrants",
  ["Lockdown"] = "Lockdown",
  ["Wanted"] = "Wanted",
  ["News"] = "Message",
  ["AddALaw"] = "Add a law",
  ["Save"] = "Save",
  ["Unlock"] = "Unlock",
  ["CityFunds"] = "CITY FUNDS",
  ["Salary"] = "Salary : %s",
  ["CitizensInTheCity"] = "CITY RESIDENTS",
  ["GovernmentAgents"] = "GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS",
  ["Amount"] = "Amount",
  ["Upgrade"] = "Upgrade",
  ["Max"] = "MAX",
  ["Citizen"] = "Citizen",
  ["Yes"] = "Yes",
  ["No"] = "No",
  ["HasGunLicense"] = "Has the license",
  ["GrantRevokeLicense"] = "Grant/Revoke",
  ["StartASearchWarrant"] = "Issue a search warrant",
  ["StartAWantedNotice"] = "Start a wanted notice",
  ["EndsIn"] = "Ends in %im%is",
  ["Cancel"] = "Cancel",
  ["Reason"] = "Reason",
  ["WantedNotice"] = "WANTED NOTICES",
  ["CityBoard"] = "CITY BOARD",
  ["NewsDuration"] = "Message duration (in seconds)",
  ["Withdraw"] = "Withdraw",
  ["Deposit"] = "Deposit",
  ["CloseSafe"] = "Close the safe",
  ["Close"] = "Close",
  ["SafeMustBeOpen"] = "The safe must be open",
  ["NoWantedNotice"] = "There's no wanted notice.",
  ["MayorMessage"] = "Mayor's Message",
  ["None"] = "None",
  ["AverageTax"] = "AVERAGE TAX",

Compatibility with 🗳️ Slawer - Elections

If you own Slawer - Elections and Slawer - Mayor, the Mayor Television entity will display the elections when it's voting time (the same as Elections television). So, you'll have only one television for the 2 addons.

Timmy, SlownLS, Samgaze · Adviced me

Anthon · 3D Model

Product reviews

4.89 average based on 13 reviews

Great addon
Excellent addon, simple to configure. addon usable on any type of darkrp server.
By Tomy -
(version 1.1.7)
permission problem
hello I have a problem with the jobs mayor who does not have access to the computer and I cannot give it even with mayor = true, I looked in the file of sslawer mayor but I do not have it fails
By zitoreno -
(version 1.1.7)
Nice And Easy
Super nice works 100% and super fast to setup had no problem and everything works perfectly. Tums up from here ;D
By ZoinoZ -
(version 1.1.6)
One of the best so far
Currently one of the best mayor addons out there, easy to use, and configure
This product was received for free
By Not_Lowest -
(version 1.1.6)
Best Mayor Addon
Best Mayor Addon i've ever seen. I love the Message and Tax Module!
This product was received for free
By derurmeltom -
(version 1.1.6)
1 of 4
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  • DarkRP
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