✒️ Loading Screen Creator | Easy & Flexible

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In short

Has it ever been hard to find a perfect loading screen for your server? Here is the perfect tool for you! Make your custom loading screen with no development knowledge, very fast and very easily!

This addon is providing a very advanced and easy to use system to make your own and custom loading screen! (and 2 remade loading screens, see below)

You want to make a lot of loading screens and use which one you want whenever? You can, with the layout system you can make a lot of loading screens and switch to the one you want just with one click!

To make a loading screen, you do not need any development knowledge, you just need to drag & drop and adapt each widgets with ease!

For only $9.99 you have many things included!

A complete web panel where you can make unlimited loading screens and switch whenever you want.

You have 2 remade loading screens with the panel which cost the same price of the whole addon.

More than 500 icons are included to make everything easier and faster.

Online configuration (no configuration file)

MySQL / SQLite support

Including a pack of more than 500 icons already installed

Easy fonts managing

Multiple layouts/loading screens support

A lot of useful widgets

A lot of tips to help you to be better

Copy and paste system

Intuitive drag & drop system

Easy to use grid system

Very fast & easy to set up

Clean user interfaces

Adapted to all resolutions

Multiple languages support

To install the website, follow these instructions:

  1. Drag & drop the loading_screen_creator_web folder in your web server.
  2. Edit the config.php file and replace by the URL of your website (where it is, PUT THE FULL URL/LINK YOU USE TO ACCESS THE WEBSITE). If you want to add collaborators, just add their SteamID x64 in allowedUsers.
  3. If it doesn't work, add a "/" at the end (if you haven't already put one at the end)
  4. If it still doesn't work, try switching between http and https at the beginning
  5. If you're using nginx, you just need to rewrite on index.php
  6. In your browser, go to the website link, you should have an installation page.
  7. Fill in all the fields you need (at least the required ones, you can leave empty database fields if you don't want to use a database, but you'll not be able to use some widgets)

If you have a database error and can't use anything, delete the config.json file, you'll see the installation page again.

To add a new font or edit the actual ones, follow these instructions:

  1. Login to the website
  2. Go to the creator
  3. Go to the fonts managing page
  4. Adding a new font: Fill in all the fields (font name and direct link) and click on the button
  5. Removing a font: Click on the dropdown at the right of the font and click on delete

For all the instructions below, you need to be logged in and on the creator page

To create a new layout, follow these instructions:

  1. Fill in all the field at the bottom of the page
  2. Click on the submit button

To set the used layout, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the dropdown at the right of the layout that you want to use
  2. Click on the use button

To delete a layout, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the dropdown at the right of the layout that you want to use
  2. Click on the delete button

To edit a layout, follow this instruction:

  • Click on the layout that you want to edit

If you want to know how you can create your custom loading screen very easily, just watch the video where we do that!

Variables that can be used in your texts (and will be automatically replaced in the loading screen):

  • About the joining user
  • {{ user_steamid }} • SteamID x64 (something like 7656XXXXXXX)
  • {{ user_name }} • Steam name
  • {{ user_avatar }} • Steam avatar
  • {{ user_steamid32 }} • SteamID x32 (something like STEAM_X:X:XXXX)

  • About the server
  • {{ name }} • Name displayed in the servers list (hostname)
  • {{ map }} • Current used map
  • {{ maxPlayers }} • Max players
  • {{ url }} • URL of the loading screen
  • {{ volume }} • The value of the player's in-game 'volume' console variable, from 0 to 1
  • {{ language }} • The value of the player's in-game 'gmod_language' console variable, a two letter representation of the player's main menu language

  • For the website installation:
  • Follow the instructions on the "Website" tab

  • For the addon installation (only if you want to connect with MySQL or SQLite)
  • Drag & drop the loading_screen_creator_lua and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  • Restart your server
Product reviews

5.00 average based on 9 reviews

I don't understand how to set it up
I don't know what it means drag and drop into web server please help
By SkitsoStatic -
(version 1.0.4)
Meilleur loading screen !
Installation facile, bien optimiser pour les serveurs gmod, le meilleur loading screen, que vous pourrait trouver sur le store, un super support, franchement si vous voulez un loading screen pour votre serveur, juste acheter celui-ci !
By Nayro -
(version 1.0.3)
I love it
This addon is amazing, a few hiccups with some bugged widgets but the dev was keen to fix the problem in due time. (was unfortunate he tried when my website was down) so was slower than it could have been. This is a must buy to get a custom loading screen and get rid of those free ones which have adds for the creator/ players.
By James -
(version 1.0.1)
Super !
J'ai eu un problème d'installation mais le support a était super réactif ! mon problème a était réglé en 2J Addon facile a configurer je recommande !
By Fourchette -
(version 1.0.1)
I use this and I have to give this a very pog and maybe even a poggers or poggies.
By Averdime -
(version 1.0.1)
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Product details
Russian, English, Turkish, French
  • Web Server with PHP +7.0
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