Zero´s Pyrocrafter 2 🐲 (Firework Script)

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In short

Design > Compose > Ignite, the next generation Firework Creation Interface for Garrysmod!

You can try it out here > steam://connect/

You will need this Workshop Collection > here

Pyro Designer

The Designer interface allows the player to create new Firework designs and save them locally on his PC. The Release version comes with 20 different Pyrobox models and more than +300 firework effects.

The monetary value of a firework is determined by its effect count (zpc2.config.Firework.CostPerEffect) or (zpc2.config.EffectPrice_Overwrite). For more control the player can design (prime) an effect sequence in beat of a song.

Firing System

The Firing System interface lets the player create Pyroshows. In order to create a new show the player needs to select a song from the music library which are predefined paths on the server (zpc2.config.MusicLibary.MusicPaths)

The editor interface comes with an easy to use timeline and some handy features like a Builder View which gives the player a bird view over the whole firing ground. It also comes with a grid to make placing firework more easy.

Event Manager

The Event Manager NPC allows the player to buy predefined firework presets from the server and even other players firework savefiles (If they allow to share them)

In order to start a interaction with the him you need to look him in the eyes.

The Player can also accept pyroshow quests from the npc to make money and gain pyrocoins which they can use to unlock new effects. The unbox feature lets the player unlock new effects and pyroboxes with the Pyrocoins he gained from making quests. Unboxing can be disabled in the config (zpc2.config.Unbox.AntiGamble) which unlocks all effects by default for everyone.

Effects / Pyroboxes

The current version (1.0.1) comes with 20 different Pyroboxes to shoot more than 300 different effects from.

If you got any good ideas for new effects / pyroboxes make a ticket and i see if its possible in the current version of source.

  • Firework Designer Interface
  • Pyroshow Designer Interface
  • Quest System
  • Unbox System
  • Firework Cache System

  • DRM Free
  • Fully Customizable
  • Custom models
  • Custom Animations
  • Custom materials

How do i save the npc / workebench or quest locations?

Jus type !zpc2_save in the chat

How do i interact with the npc?

You need to look him in the eyes for 1 second.

Where is the Job file?


Where is the main config file?


What Gamemodes does this addon support?

Its designed for DarkRP but it also has the needed functions for Sandbox, Basewars and Nutscript, its just not tested on those gamemodes yet.

Will you provide support?

Yes, I will provide free support all the time if I am available.

What is required for this?

The contentpack and maybe HalfLife 2 but usally the used sounds are also shipped with gmod by default.

Where can i find the Content Pack?


  1. Important: Add zcLib to your servers collection
  2. Add the contentpack to your servers collection
  3. Extract the "zeros_pyrocrafter02" folder into your server's addons folder
  4. Edit the main config file to your liking at zeros_pyrocrafter02\lua\zpc2\sh_main_config.lua
  5. Restart your server

Config / Dev Files:

Known Bug: Gmod x64 chromium branch causes visual bugs for certain particle effects which use random velocity initializer components >

Console Commands:

  • Command: zpc2_debug_data_give ItemType ItemID
  • Description: Gives the player you are looking at or yourself the specified ItemType and ItemID. ItemType 1 is for effects and 2 is for pyroboxes. ItemID is the UniqueID of the Item.
  • Examble: zpc2_debug_data_give 1 64272 Gives the target or yourself a Salute Shell effect.

  • Command: zpc2_debug_data_pyrocoin Amount
  • Description: Gives the player you are looking at or yourself the specified amount of Pyrocoins.
  • Examble: zpc2_debug_data_pyrocoin 5 Gives the target or yourself 5 Pyrocoins.

  • Command: zpc2_debug_data_giveall
  • Description: Gives you all the effects and pyroboxes.

  • Command: zpc2_debug_data_reset
  • Description: Resets your data back to default.

  • Command: zpc2_quest_editlocations
  • Description: Spawns all the Firing System Quest Objects which lets you modify / remove them.

  • Command: zpc2_quest_addlocation
  • Description: Spawns a new Firing System Quest Object.

  • Command: zpc2_quest_savelocations
  • Description: Saves all the Firing System Quest Objects for the current map.

  • Command: zpc2_quest_removelocations
  • Description: Removes the Quest location data savefile for the current map.


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How to add custom music files

by Zerochain

A quick tutorial on how to add custom music files.

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