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In short
The "Ahshop2 NPC Shop System" offers a optimized SHOP system for any server, the system focus a lot on performance :) so it will almost have no server impact!
Big updates on the way to ahshop2!!!
Game-mode & Addon support
- DarkRP +2.5.
- NutScript. (CityRP & Framework)
- Works with the Advanced Kevlar System.
- Simple stamina support.
- G-level support.
- Pointshop 1 & 2 support.
- Customize the shop any way that pleases you with unlimited config options.
- Add new NPC's & sell all kind of items in any NPC you pick!
- Create a new NPC & customize the looks, change the model of the NPC or Name? (Very easy).
- Restrict the amount of items being sold.
What can it sell?
- Armor.
- Health.
- Weapons.
- Entities.
- Props.
- Shipments.
- Ammo.
- Food (darkrp one)
- Cars (Not permanent, perfect for cop cars)
- Hats (Show on the players head)
- G-level XP.
- Simple Stamina.
- Point-shop 1 or 2 points.
- Player-Models.
Performance Friendly
- No DRM to cause constant data flow.
- Optimized table structures, to keep performance usage low.
- Simple 3D2D hover HUD, that fade out on distance.
- Reduced around 400 lines of code last update.
- Due to the item purchase limit option, people can't mass spawn items.
Feature list
- Multi map support.
- Content on workshop.
- Re-coded from scratch.
- Multi NPC spawn support,.
- Ahshop2 theme added.
- Includes a full YouTube tutorial.
- Restrict a item to a certain Job group.
- Restrict a item to a certain ULX group, for VIP's etc.
- Extremely easy to add new items to the different NPC's.
- Sell vehicles to the Police or Paramedics with the new system.
- You can sell around 13 different items, from entities, weapons & so on..
- Admin menu to re-spawn NPC at exact vector, if removed by a mistake.
- No restriction in what items a NPC can sell (selling food & weapons on same NPC is posible)
- You can now sell hats, create a hat in the config & wear it.
- Maximum purchase amount limit, max sell x amount of each entity.
- Item purchase delay (config option, after purchase etc. you have to wait x amount of seconds to buy an item again)
Future Features:
- Cloth dealer.
- Donator discounts.
- Permanent items.
- Ahshop3 UI.
Steam Workshop:
Product reviews
4.73 average based on 27 reviews

Lack of Response
I asked a simple question about sorting because there is none and every item you add to the shop is displayed randomly which makes the shop look messy. I have not received an answer to my question in over a year. Totally unprofessional.
EDIT: That's fine, but I pointed out an issue with the script and made a suggestion that could improve it overall, yet you couldn't spare a minute to respond. Pathetic mate.
Author's reply
You made a suggestion. You didn't ask for support. I don't see why that must warrant a response!

No support ... and lots of issues actually ...
I've a problem with the addon , i did a gmod store ticket and try to add the creator on steam no response since 4 days , no patch , and can't resolve the issues ( consider this add-on unsupported ) need to install old versions of the addon but some errors being still not resolved ...

Perfect Shop addon
This addon is easy to use and its perfect for what I need it for!

Easy to use. Easy to config. Works really well and its easy to buy ;)

Nice addon dude, Thanks you !
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