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Curator's Featured Review
Excellent Add-on.
This add-on provides a useful and interactive support ticket system for my server, it allows my staff to complete cases with ease and also allows the user / player who has created the ticket to know who has accepted it and when it has been accepted. 5 / 5 - Must buy for any server!
-{Null}- Thrawn (Ryding)
In short
Admin Popups is a light weight solution to handle admin reports with ease. It creates reports for any admin chat report (default !r) and shows the cases to all admins online. Administrators can claim reports and perform various actions through the menu.
It will not work with defaults such as @ // or /// as they are all conflicting commands with other mods.
Your admins can claim the case if they're dealing with it, teleport to the reporter, jail the reporter and more directly through the case menu. The case menus automatically pop up on admins screens when a regular player submits a report (default !r pre-fix).
- Makes a popup with quick access buttons.
- 6 quick command buttons to perform key actions quickly.
- Goto
- Bring
- Freeze/Unfreeze
- Return
- Spectate
- Kick
- Automatically detects admins that can see popups via admin chat.
- Console command (for bind) to quickly claim a case
- Filters admins so they don't create unnecessary popups.
- Claim system so only 1 moderator / admin dispatches.
- Allows for multiple lines that automatically update (rather than more popups).
- Allows admins to hide popups while not on a duty job (for roleplay).
- Supports 7 of the most popular admin mods.
- Auto close unclaimed reports option with timer.
- Developer hook for claims for logging purposes.
CH_AdminPopups_Hook_ClaimCase( admin_claiming, player_reporter )
Admin Mods
- xAdmin
- xAdmin 2
- sAdmin
- fAdmin
- Serverguard
In-Game Options
There's a few clientside options for admins. They can enable/disable them via console commands.
cl_adminpopups_closeclaimed 0/1
- This will autoclose cases as soon as they are claimed by others.
cl_adminpopups_dutymode - 0/1/2/3/4
- 0 = Always show popups - 1 = Show chat messages while on NOT duty - 2 = Show console messages while NOT on duty - 3 = Disable admin messages.
Discord Server
I own a Discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.
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4.70 average based on 69 reviews

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