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In short
Advanced Car Dealer has all the basic features a car dealer have to got, but also adds many new features like the ability to be a car dealer and to sell vehicles to other players.
If there is no player in the car dealer's job, you can use the script as a normal car dealer : you can buy vehicles directly in a tablet ( weapon or entity or both, it's configurable ), all vehicles will be transfered in your garage and you can take them out from it. There is some customization options.
If there is a player in the car dealer's job, then you need to talk to him to buy a vehicle. The car dealer is the only one who can pay a caution to rent vehicles in the tablet with a car dealer wallet, and he has many more customization options than the other players. Once he has rented a car, he can expose it with a stand containing all informations of the vehicle ( max speed, horse power, RPM ). If someone wants to buy the vehicle, the car dealer can make an invoice, define a price, and will earn a commission on the sold vehicle. ( see more below )
You can place car dealers limited to a job, with job's cars.
If you already own another car dealer, Advanced Car Dealer has an option to directly switch all data from your old car dealer to ACD. To know more, just click on the "installation" tab.
When there is someone in the car dealer's job, it's impossible to buy vehicles directly in the tablet. You can only use the tablet to see the vehicles' characteristics.
As a car dealer, you can pay a "caution" with the car dealer's wallet to rent vehicles, to expose them and try to sell them. After some minutes ( default : 5 mins ), if the vehicle hasn't been sold, you can get your caution back and return the vehicle. If someone wants to buy the vehicle you spawned, you just have to print an invoice to sell him the vehicle. When you edit the invoice, you can select a price, which allow negociations between players.
The car dealer, contrary to other players, has access to :
- A range of prices, so players can buy vehicles cheaper than directly in the tablet ( 100% configurable )
- More customization :
- the players only have access to some pre-configured colors, the car dealer has access to a color palette where he can select every colors.
- bodygroups
- skins
- Can let the player try the vehicle.
The vehicles are spawned ghosted, and are automatically unghosted when it's possible ( when nothing block them ), so they can always be spawned without any issue.
- Everything is configurable directly in-game and really quickly, only with one tool. ( see the Installation tab )
- mysqloo and tmysql4 support
- The car dealer can buy a stand, which shows the car informations
- There is a ticket printer to print invoices
- Some cool custom models with animations
- Ability to add underglow under vehicles
- Ability to add customchecks to restrict vehicles to VIP, police etc.
- Multiple languages support, currently translated in :
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- DarkRP