Advanced Car Dealer - Real car dealer job

You can always read the reviews or discuss this product
If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
¤Aninimox¤ Purchased posted
Impossible to configure this addons has nothing to do on the scammer's gmodstore and no support!

Objkx3_ posted

hello, i have a question,

can i create

3 group of NPC

NPC citizens

NPC Police


Onython__ Purchased posted

Why the addon is unsupported ??

lysergic posted

Does this support Simfphys vehicles?

SamuelOrtizS posted

I work on a server where we are using WCD but that's giving us problems with entities like LFS star wars ships, so i want to ask if this addon does support adding entities to the store?

I know many people asked for this, but my server is scheduled to open soon so I need to ask.

©Supreme posted


I noticed a bug when the owner returns the car to the garage and returns it back, the fuel level (gasoline) automatically returns to 100/100. It would be much better if the fuel level is maintained even in the garage.


Toaster posted

When is support for entity vehicles expected to be added? Otherwise this addon looks great and I will purchase if entity/simpfhys support is added.

Apple | posted

Will this work with simphys?

Venatuss Author posted

Ilanouuu Comment scripts where you have issues without creating a ticket will not help you to get them fixed, especially when the place to get support is specified everywhere on the site :).

Ilanouuu Purchased posted

Hello I have a problem on my server when I spawn a vehicle (not all the time) with this dealer addon my server crash thanks in advance for the 'help.

Venatuss Author posted


Yes it supports Photon.

No it doesn't support vehicle entities yet. I'm working on it currently.

8Z posted

Does this support simfphys vehicles?

Jay posted

Can you put Entitys in the Dealer? For like WAC Aircraft?

ceZaarGaming Purchased posted

I need help, how to create two differents car dealer, for police and users ?

ceZaarGaming Purchased posted

Yes insert

Insert posted

Supports photon vehicles?

ToineTP Purchased posted
  • Bonjour , je me permet de venir vers vous pour une question , quand je fait cette commande dans la console comme expliqué sur la page commande de votre addon ( acd_givevehicle steamid class )

et bien le joueur ne reçois pas sont véhicule , si c'est quelqu'un sais si je doit activer dans la config ou quoi ou si c'est juste moi qui ai un bug , je vous en remercie beaucoup

Sinon très bon addon je recommande !

Dr.Segway Purchased posted
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Great addon but needs simfphys and LFS support before I can use it on my server.

Kommandant Jut posted
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How active is the support for this script?

Is there any compatibility built in for other gamemodes or is this hard coded darkrp?

Does this script allow the administrator / owner to set cars to be sold with predefined body groups such as police cars with certain equipment loaded onto them? Or is it strictly user customization each time?

Fxo posted

Can boats be added sorry if its been asked or sounds like a dumb question

Venatuss Author posted


You can add every vehicles to the shop of the script (but it's currently not compatible with simfphys)

Ben posted

Can you add your own vehicles to sell or is it only pre-done cars? Was planning on adding this to my star wars server but want to know if I can add in speeders n such or would it just be the cars provided?

Kiyomi Purchased posted

Any chance of this getting Helix compatibility like WCD has? I vastly prefer this script to the others available and would love to keep it with my transition to Helix from DarkRP.

B2R | Sleggie posted

does this have simfphys support?

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