🚕 Advanced Driver License - Pass your license with style

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In short

This is a advanced driver license addon to improve the roleplay of your DarkRP servers. This addons is easy to configure with the administrator tools provided. This addon add many possibilities and improve the roleplay on your server.


  • Easy to use menus with his great and modern design.
  • Theorycal test and practical test.
  • 2D and 3D license card.
  • 8 difféeents license configurable for players.
  • Point system that can be removed by the police.
  • Compatible with french drive license and american drive license.


  • Tool to configure the practice position for each license.
  • Admin menu to configure question, vehicle, price, name.
  • Easy to configure the addon in less than five minutes.
  • Custom point and table model.
  • Easy to add more license and edit questions.
  • You can manage player informations with the admin menu.
  • Easy to configure the addon in less than five minutes.

Which gamemodes does this addon support?

Only DarkRP is compatible with this addon (Plan to add more gamemode compatibilities)

Does it have a limit of license questions?

No there is no limit for questions you can add whatever you want and use images of your choice.

Where I can find the workshop content?


Will you provide support?

I provide support at any time in gmodstore or on my discord.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 24 reviews

Le permis de conduire le plus réaliste
Pour le prix de cette addon, ce qu'il fait, et son esthéthique est plutôt ok. De plus tout est configurable sans trop de soucis
By Dimitri -
(version v2.1.3)
A driving license addon at the top
Le système de permis est un excellente addon à tout serveur rôleplay, Advanced Driver Licence est un addon simple et propre qui permet d'ajouter le permis de conduire. Très simple d'utilisation (Un manque d'indication pour le faite de montrer le permis au policier). Au Top
By Rowky -
(version 2.0.8)
[WPC] Mike Dari
Complete car license
Very complete car license addons, for better roleplay immersion of your players I recommend!
By [WPC] Mike Dari -
(version 2.0.8)
Pas mieux comme addon
Le support est super rapide et j'ai jamais vue un aussi bon addon de licence si vous hésitez entre 2 addon prenez lui !!!
By Kymaito -
(version 1.0.0)
this plugin is great
Problem solved, thanks for your attention, I recommend it
By ThekikoL -
(version 2.0.5)
1 of 5
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