Advanced Killfeed

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In short

An advanced notification feed system, highly customizable to allow a wide variety of styles and looks. Maybe you want something similar to the default with a few extra options, or something crazy looking, everything is possible.

Monetization Options

  • Assign custom effects to special ranks like donators
  • Sell effects to individual players

Supporting Addons

Advanced Killfeed uses following addons to offer/receive additional functionality.

Administration Tools:

  • ULX
  • FAdmin
  • XAdmin
  • Server Guard
  • SAM
  • sAdmin


Drag and drop in `...\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons\`


All content will automatically be downloaded from the workshop.


Suggestions for new features & improvements are always welcome.


Find any bugs? Let me know and they will be fixed asap!

  • Menu to manage and customize all options [ no knowledge of coding required ]
  • Resolution proof
  • Smooth Animations and Effects
  • Various customization options
  • Killstreak and combo system
  • Assist system
  • Offers opportunities to give effects/animations to steam group members & donators
  • The default font supports all characters [3 extra fonts only for ascii]
  • invalid characters will be auto converted to the default font
  • Compatible with all gamemodes ( updated rapidly should there be a conflict )
  • Hooking on multiple events
  • Compatible with multiple administration mods
  • Extra functionalities for DarkRP and TTT
  • Automatic save system
  • Detects 'NextBot' deaths
  • Efficiency focused [tested on multiple 'weak' computers]

Menu Access

  • Chat: "!advancedfeed"
  • Console: "advancedkillfeed_menu"

The menu can be opened by Superadmins and Admins (can be changed)

Customization Options

With these options you can create your own badass killfeed, you are in control!


  • Hide the feed for players/teams/usergroups
  • Hide all names with an alias except for your own name
  • Modify the alias
  • Display logs involving npcs
  • Display weapon icons instead of text
  • Display text if no icon was found
  • Display player avatar
  • Display kill combos
  • Display kill streaks
  • Display kill distance
  • Display kill assists
  • Display assists on npcs
  • Enable assists on players from the same team
  • Display hitgroup ( head only, all, none )
  • Modify text when a player suicides
  • Modify text when a player connects
  • Modify text when a player disconnects
  • Modify text when an npc kills a player ( when icons are off )
  • Use group/team colors & tags
  • ...

Some options have special combinations:

  • when a player has a killstreak and a killcombo at the same time they get formed into one crazy combination
  • when weapon icons are activated the last shown position gets transformed into icons as well


Choose what font you want to use, the size of the text font (relative), where the killfeed should be positioned on the screen and in what direction the logs should be going.


Want your name to be the coolest in the server? With a simple click you can add animations to your name, team or usergroup and everyone will notice when you are rekking all the enemies.


Want your name to flash and attract everyone's attention? Done.


Change the look of the killfeed, all colors are changeable. 4 presets are included, gmod, call of duty, cs:go and dark.


Decide what players/teams/usergroups should gain access to the menu, superadmin has access by default.

Animations & Effects

All effects and animations can be combined.

The examples panel can be opened by Superadmins and everyone who you gave access.

  • Console: "advancedkillfeed_test"

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 8 reviews

So original to be able to easily change the rendering of "killsfeeds"!
I love this addon! Its configuration is simple and complete! It makes killfeeds more "alive" with genuine interest! Bonus points for: distance shot, and where the ball was received)
By Rayzox57 -
(version 2.4.6)
This is a really good addon. I have been using this for my server for a while and no issues. I would recommend everyone to buy this.
By SirPlancake -
(version 2.5.0)
Some might say "hey, it's just a killfeed!" but that's not how I see it! The customization is endless and you can do a lot of things with this, it shows where your bullets hit, assists, distance and a ton more! So it's 100% worth it, also animations, colors but never feels too much! Must have!
By nocturni -
(version 2.4.5)
Lost Programmer
good addon
makes your server look alot better instead of the boring killfead
By Lost Programmer -
(version 2.4.4)
Very good addon, great support
I can highly recommend this addon, everything work flawless. The support is amazing! Must have on any server.
This product was received for free
By Kyo -
(version 1.3.9)
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