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Curator's Featured Review
Some might say "hey, it's just a killfeed!" but that's not how I see it! The customization is endless and you can do a lot of things with this, it shows where your bullets hit, assists, distance and a ton more! So it's 100% worth it, also animations, colors but never feels too much! Must have!
In short
An advanced notification feed system, highly customizable to allow a wide variety of styles and looks. Maybe you want something similar to the default with a few extra options, or something crazy looking, everything is possible.
Monetization Options
- Assign custom effects to special ranks like donators
- Sell effects to individual players
Supporting Addons
Advanced Killfeed uses following addons to offer/receive additional functionality.
Administration Tools:
- FAdmin
- XAdmin
- Server Guard
- sAdmin
Drag and drop in `...\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons\`
All content will automatically be downloaded from the workshop.
Suggestions for new features & improvements are always welcome.
Find any bugs? Let me know and they will be fixed asap!
Product reviews
5.00 average based on 8 reviews

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