If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Hello, I have a problem with the dispatch on the tablet, it is impossible to create groups, even with the "chief" job. my discord to discuss more simply: Riz cantonnais

I would like to know if this addon has or will have a compatibility with MRS (Advanced Rank System) please. :)

Hi Slawer,
May I please suggest you allow the option to disable the ability of reopening cases/investigations? I had an issue where a player spam clicked all closed investigations, confusing other Police on what was finished and what needed actioning.

Hey, could be a nice improvement, but this would kind of represent a whole other addon to make something good enough (which is what we've always tried), taking down notes about those, but can't say we'll implement this, if you really need it, I'd be honest and recommend you finding specific security cameras and handcuffs ones. Hope I helped you.

Hello Slawer, the police management is top notch thanks to the gps trackers, tablets, radios and groups, those are all things that make this mod stand out from every other sadly it misses out on a few things ( in my opinion ).
- the ability to place down security cameras manageable through an app on the tablet, giving eyes for the police chief to manage his teams/spotting suspects
- a surrender/hands up animation ( or not ) and handcuffs allowing you to arrest/search a suspect as well as embarking/disembarking him from the police car
would any of those things ever be considered ? should or could another addon be used to complement this one ?

Sent you a DM

would it be possible to get screenshots of the config? would like to see what customization there is

Hey, nothing special has been done in order to have a compatibility with such addons. To answer in a simple way, no app is linked to properties.

Hello, is this addon compatible with addons of properties like gHomes or Realistic Properties ? In this way, the officer will know what a person’s home is in the citizens management tab, or conversely, know the owner of a house.
Sorry for my bad English I use a translator.

Hey, it fits greatly with my mayor addon (if you have any particular question, DM me). You need to ask the APhone creator, as the compatibility has to be made on his side

Hello, I was just wondering a few things before purchasing is this compatible with your mayor addon? In addition any plans to be compatible with Aphone? I saw it was compatible with Mcphone.
Thank You,

Thanks for the idea, but I don't think it'll get added as there is a radio for communication, which is a pretty good & realistic way to do so.

hello, I come to propose an idea for the next update. This would add a panic button. This will allow you to call all the units in case of problems. I was thinking of a weapon a bit like the gps where you would have to left click for the activity.

As written above, "The discussion area is NOT a place for support. Create a support ticket for that.". Please use the ticket system, if we begin answering here it'll never end...

how does one make it so the Police Chief can use the Dispatch stuff? i don't see in the cfg only CFG.PoliceJobs

I have problem, tablet not open correctly. I have logon sound not menu.
I have modified tablet swep
VS_PoliceMod:OpenTablet( LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon(), topleft, bottomright )
to VS_PoliceMod:OpenTablet( LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon() )

Thank you! I hadn't installed it yet as I'm restarting my server from scratch.

The officer will know it and he'd do what's necessary. It's also written in the player's criminal record. As you own the addon you may try by the way to be sure.

What happens if you refuse a fine? Will it make them wanted automatically? The video didn't show what happens if you refuse the fine. Thanks!

Superb addon but handcuffs are really missing.

Hi Slawer,
Sorry to mess you around. I would like to have the ability to re-purchase the addon as I finally found the culprit causing issues with the server.
Because I got a re-fund I can't purchase it again.

As it's written in the requirements, it's for DarkRP

Does it come as addition to DarkRP or would it work without it, on sandbox for example?